Page 32 of After the Storms

Lori shakes her head. “Of course not,” she snaps back. “But I’m not afraid of these brutes. I can complain about my job.”

“The fuck you can,” Luke interjects. “I know you think you’re tough shit, but don’t forget they have something we want.”


BeLew are standing to the side, and start jumping in place and waving. Everyone turns to greet Tank, who tumble down the hallway, barreling into the group. They’re so big, not larger than when I last saw them, but older in a way that reminds me time is flying before our eyes.

“Chores done,” they chime to Lori and then get back to their friends.

Relief washes over me, watching them all together. Everyone made it and however far into the future this is, they’re still safe.

We go up or down a few stories, it’s still hard to tell, and drop the boys off with hundreds of other children. It could be a school or work camp, but they smile when they run inside, greeted by other friends. I stand on my tiptoes and look through a side window to watch them leave. They both turn in sequence to stare back at me.

Lewis raises his hand in my direction and Beau slaps it down. They know I’m here, and that’s what matters. If they think it’s too dangerous to speak with me, I respect that. I wave to them and mouth that I love them. They can’t hide the slight smile on their lips before they turn and run along with other boys further inside.

Trailing along after Lori, Luke, and Sam, I can’t help but wonder where I am in all of this. I hope I’m not trapped in the Eminent’s concubine. Visions come clearer with each day, showing life in motion instead of pictures, and I’m grateful, but still just as confused.

When I would see images of Morgan older, walking and talking, I was always there. Sometimes it was through my eyes, but there would be a glimpse of me from time to time, carrying her on a hip or walking with her hand in hand.

I’m absent this time, and it feels different.

“I start in the hospital this week,” Luke says. “So, this is my stop.” He brings Lori into a kiss and Sam looks away, biting his tongue. They embrace for longer than he can stand, and he interrupts them, clearing his throat.

“Don’t make it obvious, but you have to-”

“I know,” Luke interrupts him. “She’s the first thing on all our minds. I’m sure I’ll get a tour today, and hopefully, I’ll see her.” He slaps Sam on the shoulder and he nods.

“Look, Sam,” Luke smiles. “It’s not all bad she’s in there. Like Alexander said. She’s been through a lot and needed to get better. She’s okay. We’re okay.”

Am I in the coma? Is this the past or… Do they know I’m awake?

Sam’s eyes pierce into Luke’s and he takes a step forward, nose to nose with him.

“We’re balls deep in the AOE’s stronghold. We’re not fucking okay,” he seethes. “You know what to do. Do it.”

Luke doesn’t react like most men. He smiles and places a hand on the side of Sam’s face, giving his cheek a few pats. “Take each day as it comes, man. We’re lucky Alex kept us in the loop.”

Sam rips his face away. “And we haven’t heard from him in days.”

“And the last thing we heard is that Rowan’s in an induced coma and doing fine,” Lori interjects. “There’s probably no new news, and he’s not going to risk talking to us if there’s no reason.” She tugs at his sleeve, her eyes grazing over a few people that pass them, but they’re all engrossed in their own conversations with no security in sight.

“You said three weeks, and she starts to lose things,” Sam points a finger at Luke. “What about her mind, Luke? What if she’s dying in that coma?”

“Three weeks and she can lose muscle tone,” Luke corrects him. “She can get it back. The only danger is if she had a brain injury.”

Sam sucks in the air between his shut teeth and brings his hand to his lips, shaking his head. “Which she didn’t have,” Luke reminds him. “She’ll wake up and be better than ever after the best sleep of her life.”

“We’re gonna be late,” Lori says. “Come on.”

“Just look for her,” Sam begs and walks away. Luke and Lori follow but they split at the end of the hallway. I follow Sam, but it grows dark, and the images fade into nothing until I feel the floor slip out from underneath me.

I shoot up from the bed, wide awake in a dark room, in Alex’s room. His heavy arm curls around my body, holding me back from leaping from the spot.

He snaps up, pulling me against him and tossing the covers to the side. “What is it?” he asks, realizing at that moment he's holding me. He breaks his grip as he looks around the empty space.

“Just a nightmare,” I lie. My feet hit the floor, and I spin around twice before I get myself to the bathroom.

“Are you okay?” he calls out after me.