Page 78 of Frost Wolf

The phone rang. It was Officer Mike from the local police.

“Mr. Wolf, we found Miss Lane’s truck. It was in the parking lot of Shake and Fry. There were no signs of a struggle. The truck is neatly parked with the keys in the ignition.”


I ended the call. If the truck was still in the parking spot, there was a slight chance of picking up a trail. But only a slight chance. There would be too many different scents around, including fried food. I released a deep howl. It was still dark. No one was around to hear me.

I drove to the old gas station at such a speed that my world turned into a blur of darkness. The trees on both sides of the road became a haze of green. Rain started to drizzle, each small drop of water feeling like a dagger against my face.

The connection with Yana was not gone, only muted. As much as I tried to locate her, it was nearly impossible.

Alistair stood there when I arrived, still without a shirt on, leaning against the wall of the gas station. My wolf howled so loud. I jumped off the motorcycle while still riding. The machine drifted and landed on the side of the road. I shifted mid-jump, my huge white wolf running toward Alistair. He shifted, too.

“We don’t have time,” he told me telepathically. “After we save Yana, you can kill me. I don’t fucking care. The important thing is, I found Yana.”

I shivered. “Where? How?”

“She’s being held at the hangar of the old airport. They muted your connection, but they couldn’t kill mine. Yana is my blood. I’ll always be connected to her and find her.”

“Why are we wasting time? Go.”

Alistair broke into a run through the forest. I followed. My mind put the puzzle together. This was the old forest road toward the private airport. For years that place was used for small aircraft to land but, as the economy declined, having a private airplane was one of the first things people gave up.

As we stepped into the open, I felt Yana. She was close. The smell of her blood lay heavy in the air, making me gag. I would rip apart the people who did this to her.

My wolf was ready to charge when I heard her scream. I ran. I developed a tunnel view, knowing that at the other end, Yana waited. She was in pain.

The cool earth crunched under my large paws as I stormed toward the hangar’s entrance. Alistair ran next to me. My large body crashed through the door, shattering it.

Suddenly, I felt the connection again. The hangar was half-dark, and Yana’s heartbeat was faint. She was alone, tied up in a corner. Her body was broken. Open cuts marked her beautiful skin. Her head leaned back, lifeless.

My wolf jumped in front of her.

The faint sound of her heart let me know she was still alive. I licked her wounds, hoping my saliva would help stop the bleeding. She was so broken, so hurt. The hangar smelled like Demons and evil, but I couldn’t focus on anything except Yana.

Deep pain ran through me.

“You can’t die, baby. You can’t die.”

I kept repeating this like a mantra, sending long prayers to Odin and Loki in the hope they would show mercy to my mate. I need a bit longer with her.

Footsteps approached. I heard a weapon being cocked from above and behind me. I turned to see Nick standing by the gallery's railing, a shotgun in his hands.

“Leave that bitch. She’s a goner. You get to see her die. What a wonderful spectacle.”


I shifted back into my human form, using my body to shield my mate. What happened to her was all because of me. I broke her. I could just as well have tortured her with my own hands.

“You know about me.”

“I know when I get my hands on you, I’ll rip out your throat, slowly.”

“I wouldn’t try. See this gun? It has silver bullets in it. I’ll shoot her first. Can you jump over her fast enough to kill me before I shoot?”

“I’ll kill you.”

Alistair growled and showed his teeth, but I ordered him to stand down. This situation was too dangerous. That asshole Nick was up in the gallery and could shoot Yana.