Page 76 of Frost Wolf

“Are you a Demon, Nick?”

“I am now. They gave me the dark gift after fifteen years of being with you. I think I deserved it. And now I’m allowed to kill you, slowly.”

His fingers turned into long, sharp claws. He moved his clawed hand in front of me and drew blood from my cheek with a flick of his wrist.

“See, I can make you bleed, and he doesn’t even care.”

I forced myself not to scream. It was all too much.

“Can I join the fun?”

The bubble gum voice made me want to jump up. It couldn’t be.

“Sure, baby.”

Nick turned toward the shadow and put his arms around the person who spoke. Sounds of kissing reached me.

“Yuck, you two are making me nauseous. I just vomited. I’d rather vomit again than watch you.”

“Oh, who’s an angry wolf slut?”

It was Brenda. She looked as pretty as always, as much as I hated to admit it. Her long red hair was perfectly straight, running to her waist, flowing past her fucking big, bouncy boobs. Was I jealous now, cause I used to be. Now as I found myself in their clutches, I was only afraid.

“Who’s calling me slut? You hooked up with a married man.”

Brenda walked closer to me. Her sweet vanilla-scented perfume made my stomach clench.

“Nick and I are from the same species. But you’re only a wolf slut. You should be ashamed of yourself.”

I turned my head to Nick. My cheek was still bleeding.

“Can you just kill me, please? If I need to listen to this stupid cunt one more moment, I’ll swallow my tongue and kill myself.”

Nick laughed. “Baby, don’t play with the food.”

Brenda turned her back to me. I made another desperate attempt to open my ties, but they were bound so tight they bit deep into my flesh. Each attempt to move made me wince in pain and inhale sharply between my clenched teeth.


I released a new curse. Dust moths flew into the air. The room we were in was hot, and I had difficulties breathing. As I closed my eyes, I tugged at the mating bond. I could feel Soren. He was there, somewhere, and he was agitated.


I tried to reach out to him with my mind and pull him closer to me, but it didn’t work. Each time, I felt Soren close a wall stood between us, separating me from him. Tears were about to run down my face. I refused to give these two the satisfaction of seeing me broken and crying. The last thing I needed was for those two to kill me, but my only way out was Soren. Each time it felt like I almost got there, as if I could almost touch his hand with mine, something pulled me back.

“Tsk, tsk, tsk.” Nick crouched in front of me. “Not yet. You see, sweetheart, you’ll get to call the wolf when we’re almost done with you. First, you need to bleed. We put a warding spell on you so he won’t be able to find you.”

Nick held a wicked-looking knife. He removed a lighter from his pocket.

“You always used to talk about germs and shit.”

Brenda grabbed my hair and pulled me back with all her crazy strength. “How about we set her on fire?’

Nick moved the blade of the knife over the open flame. “No, baby. That would end her too fast. We need to play with her a little bit longer.”

There was darkness in his eyes, letting me know he had many horrible things in store for me.

I inhaled. He used one of his claws to rip my jeans slowly. The sound of the fabric tearing echoed through the empty hangar.