Page 75 of Frost Wolf

“Nick, what the fuck are you talking about. What is this? Why did you sedate me and bring me here? What was Karl’s part in all this?”

“So many questions. You should ask your wolf, the one who fucks you. I’m sure he’ll be more than happy to answer them all.”

“Huh, what wolf?”

Nick’s hand connected with my face. My ear tingled from the force of the slap. I felt my cheek burn.

“I know you’re a whore and allow a wolf to fuck you like the bitch in heat you are.”

Sitting there, I tried remembering everything I had learned from all the true crime shows I watched. They always say to try to find a connection, some common ground with your kidnapper. In my mind, I screamed at myself because the fucking kidnapper was my ex-husband. The man who cheated on me, but I never considered that he hated me.

“You suffer from delusions, Nick. There is no wolf. I’m not sure what you’re talking about. I can help. We’ll find a way to fix this. Let me go and we can walk away from this. You loved me once, and I loved you. I’m sure you miss Brenda. We can find a way, Nick.”

His hand connected with my cheek again, hard. My skin burned when he slapped me, and I accidentally cut my lip on my teeth. The scent of coppery blood filled my nose and made me dry heave.

“I’ll vomit all over you again, Nick.”

“Bitch, you don’t get it. I can do whatever I like to you. I can take you apart and put you back together.”

“Why do you hate me? We used to be in love.”

Deep darkness built behind his glassy eyes. This person, this thing, couldn’t be Nick.

“I hate you. I fucking hate you so much, Yana. You with your holier-than-thou attitude. I hate you so much.”

As my eyes grew accustomed to the light, I glanced around. Light entered through the tall, dirty windows. This must be the old hangar next to the abandoned private airport.

Nick pressed his face into mine. His eyes glistened.

As I blinked, tears slowly stung my eyes. “Don’t you care that you’re hurting me now?”

“To be honest, sweetheart, I don’t. I enjoy breaking you apart. I’ve known the truth for years. Do you think I loved you?”

My ex-husband was not a bad-looking man. Even now, in his mid-forties, he was slim with broad shoulders. His beard gave him an air of mystery and worked well with the short-cropped salt-and-pepper hair. His eyes used to be beautiful and green.

Now they looked black—Demonic black.

“Why do you think I picked you, Yana?”

“Because you fell madly in love with my awesome ass. I don’t know, but does it make a difference?” I already knew I was done for.

“I had to. You were my mission, bitch. I was disgusted by the thought of touching the daughter of a wolf, knowing that your mother was a bitch. Do you really think I loved you?”

I had to bite down my disappointment. Nick was with me for most of my adult life. We had issues, but I assumed that was because I could not give him children.

“It was all a lie?” My voice shook. He had pulled the proverbial rug from under my feet. I felt like I was dangling over a lake filled with piranhas.

“Yes.” He spit the word in my face. “I was deeply disgusted every time I had to kiss, touch, and act as if I cared about you. You have no idea how my skin crawled when you put your arms around me and expected me to be sweet and cuddle with you. You’re a fucking abomination. You make me want to puke.”

“Why did you stay? This makes no sense.”

“I wasn’t allowed to kill you. Oh, I begged my superiors to allow me to do that. I begged and begged, but no, I had to stick it out. They wanted to drive the wolf crazy. He’s your mate. You know that, right? You’re so worthless that not even your mate wanted you, you little bitch. He didn’t want you either.”

“That’s not true. Soren loves me.”

Nick kneeled and spit into my face before hitting me again.

“Oh, this feels so good. I’ve dreamed about doing this, and they’ve finally allowed me to.”