There’s no way I’m going to enjoy this party thinking about Peter and Hayley being on a date. I hope their day is just as miserable as mine’s going to be.


THE ROOM WE’RE IN HASglass walls with a beautiful view of the vineyard. A band is playing. Peter’s coming from the bar area with a bottle in hand. He’s dressed so nicely today. Not that he doesn’t dress nicely every day, but he’s dressedextranicely today. I wonder what Tristian would look like if he ever wore a button-down shirt and khakis. That would be the day.

“They said this is a favorite here. You have good taste,” he says as he approaches the table, and pops open the bottle. He’s about to pour me a glass, but instead pulls his phone out of his pocket.

“Danny?” I ask.

“Yeah.” He types something quickly, puts his phone away, then makes the pour.

“Can’t you just ignore him for now? What’s he saying?”

“Oh, nothing. Just that I ruined his life with Applebee’s, he has no friends. Thirteen-year-old drama. I’m sorry, I won’t look at my phone again.”

He pours himself a glass and sits down across from me.

“I don’t know. I like Applebee’s.”

“I think it’s more than that.” He swirls the wine in his glass.

“Like what?” I take a sip.

He smiles and leans back. “I’ll just say it. I think he’s mad that we’re on a date.”

“Probably. He can be such a brat.”

“I don’t blame him. Nothing against you. He’s been through a lot recently. He needs extra attention and love. I think he feels like he won’t get that from me at home if we’re together. Not that I’m a psychologist or anything.”

Whatever, Peter. Danny is the last person I want to talk about tonight.

“What kind of wine did you say this is again?” I ask.

“You picked the Riesling.”

“Riesling... I don’t think I’ve ever had this before today.”

“If you like it, I can buy another bottle for home.”

“I might just take you up on that.”

I look over at a few of the couples dancing. The band is playing “I’m With You” by Avril Lavigne.

“Oh, wow! I haven’t heard this song in so long!” I yell.

“I don’t think I’ve ever heard this song.”

“It probably came out way before you even came to the United States. She’s such a good singer!” I look over at the band again. “I wish I could sing.”

“Can you dance?”


“Yeah. Like them.” He signals to the other couples who’re slow dancing.

“I mean...can you?”

“Probably. Doesn’t look too hard. Don’t you Americans learn that in school or something?”