I take one last look at her and her breasts... STOP IT! I run down the stairs, trip, and almost fall. She probably thinks I’m a real, genuine ass.
As I start the car, I pray the food is ready when I get there.
IRING MATT’S DOORBELL. I feel my eyebrows pointing inward. I can’t make them stop pointing inward. I thought she didn’t like him? Why was she wearing that dress? I hope she still doesn’t like him. I hope she breaks his heart. I don’t want Peter to be sad and stuff, but it’s for his own good.
Matt opens the door. I hold up the two big bags of Applebee’s.
“I know I said I was bringing Buffalo chicken dip, but I had this plan to get my brother to miss this date he was going on with that bitch, and—”
“APPLEBEE’S? YES!” Matt snatches the bag and walks into the house. I pull my phone out of my pocket and text Peter.
Everyone is so pissed at me 4 bringing ????
now I’m goin to have 0 friends on the team
thanks a lot!!!!!!
I put my phone back into my pocket and walk into Matt’s apartment. There are three other guys here from the team. They’re all sitting in the living room eating snacks. There’s potato chips, onion dip, and chocolate chip cookies. These snacks are crappier than what I brought.
“DANNY BROUGHT APPLEBEE’S, GUYS!” Matt yells as he sets the bag on the table.
“SWEET!” Preston says. “What did you bring from Applebee’s?”
“Uh...I think it’s spinach and artichoke dip and boneless wings.”
“Dude, I can eat like twenty of those boneless wings. I love them.”
“Well, my brother got three of everything, so...”
“Nice!” Matt says as he starts unpacking the bag.
“Have any of you guys ever played lacrosse before?” Reese asks.
“No,” I say, “but I watched a lot of YouTube videos on my phone. We went to the store this morning, and I bought all of the equipment that was on the list. I got these really nice cleats. I have a picture. Hold on.”
I pull my phone out. There’s a message from Peter. It’s a GIF of a crying baby. Asshole, asshole, asshole!
Oh yea?
well that’s prob bout 2 be u when Hayley tells u for the 10000 time she doesn’t like you!!!
OK. Bye.
Have fun at your party. Text me when you leave. I should be home no later than 8:30.
Love you.
“Are you showing us that picture or...?” Reese asks.
“Yeah. Sorry. My brother was texting me.”
“It’s all good.”
I pull up the picture of my new cleats and hand the phone to the guys. I sit in a chair across from them.