“Fuck! You’re the only dealer I know that smokes all of their own product.”

“I didn’t smoke your weed.”

“Then where is it? You said you’d have it today.”

“Hayley smoked your weed, but I brought you beer.”

“You’re such a turd.”

“Hey, I thought we were friends? Give me a fucking break.”

I lean against the wall and fold my arms.

“You’re lucky we’re friends. I never should have paid you before I got my stuff.”

“Just chill, I’ll get it. I’ll have it to you next week.”

“I hope you still have the money.”

“I do, I do.”

A piece of my hair falls in front of my eyes. I blow upward to move it out of the way. Ryan grabs a beer and cracks it open. I continue blowing, but the hair isn’t going in the right direction. Ryan watches me. I move it out of the way with my fingers. Ryan picks up my jacket and “tsk tsks,” then walks over to the couch. He drapes my jacket over the back of it and takes a seat.

Ryan’s pissed. That weed would make him feel better. I’ll get the money for it. There’s got to be some cash hidden around that apartment somewhere. He’s a bartender. I walk over to the corner of the living room where my pillow and blanket are, and I sit. I try to relax, but the Corona in my hand reminds me of that fucker.

“You friends with him?” I ask.

“With who?” Ryan side-eyes me.

“Peter. You know what he drinks?”

“I haven’t seen him in over a year.”

“So, you were friends with him? He’s such a piece of shit.”

“I only knew him because of Hayley. We hung out a couple of times. That’s it. So, you did steal this beer from him?”

“No! No, I didn’t! I like Corona too, okay?”

“Whatever, man. You know, Jillian is getting real fed up with your shit. We said you could stay the night, not the month.”

It’s not like they gave me a key or anything. They just let me in here to sleep. I don’t bother them. They don’t even let me sleep on the fucking couch! It was her grandmother’s or some shit. Blah, blah, blah, give me a break. Fuck it. I’ll be out of here soon with my own key. A key to my own place!

“I’ll be out of your hair in no time, man. Just need to get back on my feet.”

“Do you have a plan?”

“Uh...Yes. Hayley is working on getting unemployment. That’ll be extra cash. We’re going to apply for Section 8 housing too. We have it all under control.”

Ryan laughs. I don’t understand why. He doesn’t think I can handle my shit? Fuck him, man. I’m done playing nice.

“Fuck you,” I say.

Ryan sips his Corona. He looks so entertained by my struggle. One day I’ll be the one laughing.

“Well, anyway.” He picks up the remote and puts last week’s football game on. I lean forward.

“Our team really fucked up this season,” I say.