Can I sleep there 2?

It won’t happen b/c ass face won’t even know I’m there anyway. I only come when he’s at work.

He’ll no...

trust me.

I cant get anything past him. He new u were here 2day.

That’s what started all of this.

What? How?

u left ur bowl


I was wondering where that was

I grab my headphones off the end table, plug them into my phone, and lay back. I close my eyes. I need to get out of here, but on my own terms.


“SURPRISE,” I SAY WHENRyan opens the door. I hold up the six-pack of Corona with my right hand and wave my left hand beneath it.


“Told you I’d get you back.”

“Okay, but why would you buy Corona? You know I drink Budweiser. Is that Peter’s?”

I brought this guy beer, and he’s not thanking me? Everyone is so ungrateful these days. Sad.

“Looking a gift whore in the mouth?”

He laughs. “Dude, that’s not the saying.”

“Close enough. Are you going to let me in now?”

“All right. Come in, gift whore.”

He walks into the living room, and I follow. I take my jacket off and drop it onto the floor. I put the six-pack on the table and slide a beer out.

“You got a bottle opener?” I ask. “Fucking foreign beers, right? This is America!”

Ryan takes the beer from my hand and opens it with his key chain. He hands it back to me. It’s still cold. That’s what the winter is good for. Otherwise, winter is such bullshit.

“Thanks.” I take a sip. “Lime?”

“I don’t have lime, Tristian.”

He’s in a fucked-up mood today. I wonder who pissed in his Cheerios.

“It’s cool, it’s fine.”

“Do you have my stuff, man? Yes or no.”
