I shake my head and cradle it in my hands.


THERE’S NOTHING GOODon the radio. I click the power off button as I pull into the complex. Now I’m alone with my thoughts again, great...or am I? I check the rearview mirror but no one’s in the back seat. Okay... What can I think about other than...

Kara! I’ll think about Kara. Wow. It’s already been two weeks since Kara, and I’ve become...what’s the term they use? “Official?” I think I’ve been doing a better job with my drinking habit. It’s probably for the best. I didn’t have one drink on our date tonight. I hope she’s proud of me—at least, I feel proud of myself. It was somewhat enjoyable without beer or whiskey.

I park in front of Danny’s friend’s apartment. I get out of the car and knock on the door. Danny answers it.

“You’re answering their door now?”

“I knew it was you. You know, I could have just walked home. I do it every day from the bus stop.”

“I was passing by, anyway.” I look past Danny and see Matt’s mum.

“Thank you!” I say to her and wave.

Danny turns around halfway and gives a small wave to Matt, who’s standing next to his mother. He steps outside and closes the door behind himself.

“How was your night?” I ask.

“It was good.”

“What did you do?”

“Played video games.”

“That sounds like fun.”

“How was your night?”


“You weren’t home. Where were you?”

“I went to dinner with a friend.”

“Like a date?”


“Not with Hayley, right?” He smiles.

“Not with Hayley.”


I unlock the car door and he throws his bag inside. It hits the windshield.

“Hey, don’t do that,” I reprimand him.

“Sorry. What’s her name?”

I shake my head, and we both get into the car.


“Am I going to meet her?”