“I don’t know.”

“What did Hayley do tonight, then?”

“I guess you can ask her when we get home.”

I back out of the parking lot and drive toward our building. I park in my normal spot. Danny opens the car door and runs up to the apartment. I get out of the car much more slowly and follow him.

“Whoa, what’s the rush?”

“I want to download a new game.”

“You can’t just use my card to buy games whenever you please. How much does it cost?”

“It just came out today, but Ineedto have it. Everyone’s getting it. If I don’t have it, I’ll be the only one without it.”

“That’s not what I asked. I asked how much it costs.”

“It’s the low, low price of sixty-nine ninety-nine,” he responds and turns back toward the door.

“Sixty-nine ninety-nine? Are you out of your mind? No, rent is due this week. I can’t pay sixty-nine ninety-nine.”

“Come on, Peter. It’s a credit card. You can just pay it off later. Please, please, please.”

“I said no, Danny. Maybe when it goes on sale.”

He lets go of the doorknob.

“What if I don’t get the deluxe edition, and I only get the regular edition for fifty-nine ninety-nine?”

“Oh, okay. So you were going to use my card to buy the deluxe edition?”

“Yeah, but you know deluxe is much better. It has all the added content.”

“I’ll tell you what... Your math quiz is on Tuesday. If you get an eighty or better, I’ll buy you the deluxe edition.”

“But I need to get the game tonight!”

“Nope, you’re not getting it tonight. Sorry.”

“But, Peter, that’s four days! Everyone is going to be so far ahead of me by then!”

“Yeah? Oh my God.” I put my hands on my cheeks as in realization and shock. “Imagine how far ahead they’ll be if you don’t get an eighty on Tuesday? I don’t think you’ll ever catch up!”

“Ugh!” He rolls his eyes and stomps his feet, wiggling the doorknob again. “Unlock the door!”

“So unfair, I know.” I twist my key in the knob and swing the door open. We walk upstairs.

“Matt’s going to have the game, and that’s all he’s going to talk about on Monday. I’m going to lose my mind!”

We reach the top of the steps. From there, I can see her. Two bare feet are sticking out from behind the couch. Hayley’s lying on the floor, covered in her own vomit.

“Is she okay?” Danny asks.

I don’t have the chance to answer. Tristian sits up on the couch, clearly startled. His hair is standing straight up.

“Danny...I want you to go back downstairs and sit in the car.” I hand him my keys.

“What? No! Hayley?” he calls out.