
“Then they’re dirty. Basket. Now.”

“Fine.” I get on my knees and gather everything on the floor in my arms like a big loader truck.

“Beep. Beep. Beep.” I dump the clothes into the basket. “Okay. All done.”

“Thank you.” I pick up my gym bag and head toward the door.

“Have a good day. Don’t forget to text me when the game is over,” Peter adds.

“Okay, bye.”

“Love you.”

I walk down the stairs and go to the bus stop.


“COME IN,” PETER SAYS. He winks and holds the door open. He’s holding an open beer bottle. His hair is messier than I’ve ever seen it before. He turns around and stumbles up the stairs.

“Whoa... Don’t fall.”

“Wouldn’t that be really funny?”

“Why is it that every time I see you, you’re drinking something?”

“You haven’t met my brother yet, so that’s probably why.” He takes a seat on the couch.

“You’re saying a thirteen-year-old boy is driving you to drink?”

He looks at me, completely baffled. “No. That’s not what I meant at all. What I meant is I would never get drunk in front of him. Every time I see you, he’s at school, or his friend’s place. It’s the perfect opportunity to get wasted!”

“Maybe we can see each other without getting drunk?” I walk over to the couch and put my purse down next to him. He watches.

“Why? Drunk is fun.”

“You have an alcohol problem, Peter. Don’t you have work tonight? Where’s your roommate?”

“Yes, and I don’t know. Not here. She doesn’t have to tell me where she goes. I’m not her keeper. Want a beer?”

“No. I hate beer.”

“Wine, then?” He tries to stand but falls back down on the couch. He laughs and laughs.

“All right. Just stay there. I’ll get you water.”

Am I really about to babysit him? That’s not why I came over here. The last thing I need in my life is a man-child.

“I don’t want any water. I am not an alcoholic! Alcoholics drink all the time. I only drink when I see you, apparently.”

“Great,” I respond. “Maybe that’s why you come off as an alcoholic to me. Ever think about that?”

“If you had to live with your ex, I’m sure you’d be drinking too. She’s driving me crazy!”


“Hayley is your ex-girlfriend?”