
“WHY DO THE WEEKENDSgo by so fast! It would be okay if the school days went by fast too, but they don’t!” I yell as I pick up my toothbrush.

“I don’t hear any brushing!” Peter yells back.


“If you were brushing, your mouth wouldn’t be able to complain.”

I grunt as I turn on the sink. I carefully squeeze the paste until I have a perfect amount. I start with my two front teeth slowly and gently. Peter appears in the doorway. His hair is down. He’s still in his pajamas and old lady robe.

“Do I have to teach you how to brush your teeth? You have to do them all.”


“Yeah. That’s important. Wouldn’t want to wake the neighbors.”

I spit. “They’re the ones that wake me up with their loud music and fighting!”

“I was kidding. They don’t care about anything. Everyone minds their own business around here. Just finish brushing, please? Let’s get going.”

“Well, someone should file a noise complaint!”

“Are you joking? No one around here wants to see the police. That’s a big no-no. Also, do you hear how loud Hayley has the TV sometimes? We’d get one too! Now, let’s go. Finish up.”

“Stop interrupting me, then!”

“Where is your game today?”


“What time will you be home?”

“When the game is over, duh.”

“All right. Just text me. Keep me updated.”

I rinse off my brush and push past him. I walk straight into my room.


He sighs and approaches me. “They’re in your closet, top shelf. Did you even look?”

“No, but I never know where you put things. You just put things everywhere sometimes.” I slide my closet door open and pull out my gym bag.

“Yup, that’s me. Putting things everywhere.”

“I’m not going to answer you when you’re sarcastic to me.”

“That statement didn’t require an answer. Do me a favor and get your laundry together quickly. That way I can do a wash this afternoon.”

“Fine.” I look around my room and spot a pair of gym shorts on the ground. I pick them up, shove them against my face, and sniff. “Yup. These need a good washing!” I hold them up with pride.

“Cool. Put them in the basket. In fact, put every item of clothing that’s on the floor in your basket.”

“But they’re not all dirty.”

“Did you wear them?”