Page 14 of Vicious

I got one night in my new bed.


Now, she was sleeping in it.

“Okay,” Ghost began. “Matrix did some digging last night and what he found out isn’t good, Vicious.”

My head snapped up as I wondered why I was being singled out about this mess. I had nothing to do with Linsey or the kids. I was just letting her stay in my home for the time being. She worked for Matrix. He knew her the longest. Hell, she was only here because he brought her with him. Let him deal with her mess.

The woman was pleasant to look at, but she was too damn young for me. I was an old man, and she had her whole fucking life ahead of her. Whatever I felt regarding her would never happen. She didn’t want some old decrepit man who needed a support mattress because his back was giving out.

“Linsey was on the level last night. Only she downplayed the severity of her situation. Yeah, the oldest girl, Adrianna…”

“Andi,” I muttered.

Matrix grinned, then continued, “Yes. Andi will inherit Duchene International and Linsey will be the interim CEO until Andi comes of age, but that’s not the only problem. The maternal grandparent, a Mrs. Agatha Blackwell, says Davina’s current will, gave her custody of the girls upon Davina’s death.”

“Not the father?” Ghost asked curiously.

“No. Now, I’ve been in contact with a man named Alexander Galveston. He is the son of Vivienne’s brother-in-law, Michael, who was married to Vivienne’s sister, Isabelle. Though only related by marriage, this Alexander is the lead attorney for Duchene International and the girls.”

“Wait a minute,” Savage said, holding up a finger. “The girls have an attorney?”


“What about Linsey?”

Matrix shook his head. “No. As the spare, she doesn’t have one. Apparently, the spares, as they are called, all work for the company in some respect. This Alexander said the Duchene will, is ironclad. Rules are in place so that only a Duchene will control the company. According to the Duchene will, when Davina died, the spare is required to take over the company until the first-born daughter comes of age.”

“What about custody?” Ghost asked.

“Custody of the heir is to be given to the spare.”

“Stop calling her that,” I growled, as my brothers all looked at me. “She’s not a spare. She’s a woman who just lost her sister and is now left raising her three nieces. Her entire world turned upside down. She is more than a spare. She is a person.”

“Sorry,” Matrix whispered, looking directly at me, “You’re right. Linsey is a person.”

I hated the way my brothers were all staring at me, like they were expecting me to go ballistic or something. I didn’t know why. The woman wasn’t mine. She was just a woman with a shitload of crap on her plate. “If the will states that Linsey is to have custody, I don’t see a problem. You’re her boss. Help her figure it out.”

Phantom leaned forward and added, “The problem is that there is a hit out on Linsey.”

“Excuse me?” I said, turning to face my club sister. Anger filled my veins at the thought of something happening to the beautiful woman. I may not be the right man for her, but I’d be damned to hell before I let anyone try to hurt her. She was innocent and sweet. She had a big heart and cared too deeply. Hell, what she was doing to protect those kids was a testament to who she was. A good woman with a heart of gold.

“When Linsey announced she was the spare and had custody of the girls, Mrs. Blackwell went to the press. The entire world knows about Linsey now. Her face is all over the news. Because of whom her family is and what Linsey is to Duchene International, she inadvertently put a bullseye on her back. A single woman in Linsey’s position, unmarried with conservatorship over the true heir of Duchene International, makes her a target. A big one. To make matters worse, the girl’s grandmother is making a big deal about it all. Saying shit like Linsey always wanted the money. That Linsey is nothing more than a spoiled little rich girl. There’s a feed going around saying that Linsey shacked up with a biker gang and subjecting the girls to all kinds of crap. It’s a mess. People are taking notice and there have been many internet postings offering to help the grandmother get her girls back.”

“That woman wouldn’t hurt a fucking fly!” Several of the brothers snickered and shook their heads as I roared. I didn’t give a shit. I knew what they thought. They could all suck it, but I’d be damned to hell before I allowed anyone to smear Linsey’s good name. She was an honest woman dealing with the shit life dumped on her. She didn’t ask for this shit. Her fucking sister died and Linsey is trying to pick up the pieces. The woman was a fucking saint in my book and I dared anyone to tell me otherwise.

“Don’t know why you are yelling at me. I’m just telling you the score.” Phantom advised, trying to hide her grin. She cleared her voice and added, “I have feelers out on who ordered the hit, but it’s a legit contract. When Linsey gets back, we need to lock her down.”

“She’s out there right now unprotected,” I barked, slamming my hand down on the table. “Who’s on her?”

“Got Digger and Whiskey heading her way. I texted Remi. She knows to expect them. Don’t want to scare the woman.”

“She needs to come back here where I know she’s safe.”

“Where you know?” Ghost questioned.

“You know what I meant, asshole. She ain’t mine but she’s living in my house with my daughter. She needs to be protected.”