Page 15 of Vicious

“And she will be. Right now, she is dealing with a lot of shit. Not gonna pile on the worry,” Ghost stated, leaning back in his chair, “She is with the women. She is safe. Two of the prospects are already with her. Just let her have today before we disrupt her life any more than it already has been.”

Sitting back down, I tried to regain my senses, but all I could think about was the fact that Linsey was out there, unprotected. If anyone recognized her, she would be in trouble. I hated this. I hated feeling anything for that woman. It made no sense. I was a confirmed bachelor. Knew I would die one. I accepted that years ago. I made my peace with it. Then a young woman with corn silk hair and a face like an angel walked into the clubhouse, smiled at me and now, all I can think about is her.

What the fuck was wrong with me? It wasn’t like I was some young buck who could easily take advantage of the situation. Set in my ways, I’ve been a loner most of my life. I didn’t do relationships. I wanted nothing to do with them. They were messy and caused trouble. That’s why I avoided them. The only reason I had a daughter was because someone unavoidably gave her to me and I didn’t have the heart to give her away. My girl had no one. She was like me. So, I kept her. We had each other, and that was it. I was okay with that. I never once thought about giving Elizabeth a mother.

Women were crazy. I didn’t want that drama in my life, and I sure as hell didn’t want that around my daughter. Linsey’s situation had trouble written all over it. I needed to steer clear of her and mind my own business. I could do that. To easy. She could live in my house until we cleared this mess up and I would sleep in the clubhouse.

Easy Peasy.

“Vicious, did you hear me?”


Bullseye chuckled. “For the time being, Linsey and the girls are staying with you?”

“Yeah. Sure. She can have my house until we clear this up.”

“And you will stay there too.”


“You. In your house every night until we settle this?”

“Why? The house is on the club property. I don’t need to be there.”

Ghost sighed. “Vicious, I get you like your privacy, but your daughter is living in that house. You are her father. You need to be there. Besides, Linsey could use your help with the little ones. This is new to her, too.”

“Then hire another nanny!” I shouted, my heart beating fast in my chest. What the fuck kind of game were my brothers playing? I couldn’t live in the same house as Linsey. The woman made me nervous just being in the same vicinity. God knew what it would be like living with her. Just thinking about sleeping in the same house with her was already driving me crazy, and she wasn’t even close to me. Hell, I couldn’t keep my eyes off her this morning as I watched her run around the house. I’d become a damn stalker in my house.

Then again, I could live downstairs and make sure they were safe. Anyone trying to come for them would have to go through me first. We didn’t have to interact. She just needed someone there to make sure she was safe. I guess I could do that. Maybe Ghost was right, my daughter lived there. It would be strange to have her at the house and me in the clubhouse, and I would get to spend more time with Elizabeth. She had her own life, like I had mine. How hard could it be? We would just be two adults helping each other out.


Looking up at the smiling jerks, I nodded. “Fine. I’ll move back into the house.”

“Good,” Ghost said, hiding a conspiratorial grin, as did several others. I didn’t know what game they were playing, but it wasn’t going to work. They were all up to something. I felt it more than I knew it. Whatever they had planned, they better forget about because there was no fucking way I was going to fall for it.

As the meeting ended, I quickly left, needing a fucking beer. I had to get my head on straight. Get my bearings because come tonight I was going to be living in hell. That was when the gravity of my situation sunk in. I was going to be living in the same house with the very woman who had been plaguing my days and nights.

What the fuck was I thinking?

“Hey brother,” Ghost said, taking a seat next to me at the bar. I’d been sitting here minding my own business, wondering what the hell I had done. My simple, uncomplicated life was gone because of one beautiful young woman. To make matters worse, one look at her and I was a gibbering pile of mush.

Fuck, I needed to get the hell out of here and go for a ride. My quiet house was about to be inundated with girls.

Five of them.

Holy fuck.

I was just wrapping my head around having my daughter with me full-time. Now I was taking on four more and one of them I wanted to bend over the bar and sink my cock into while I claimed her as mine for all eternity. It was bad enough that she had gotten under my skin. Now she was sleeping in my bed, showering in my bathroom, living in my house.

Fuck this.

I couldn’t do this.


Not happening.