Page 85 of Forbidden

“You're right. We should save that for the second one.” One of my feet slips between his legs and rubs between his knees.

His fingers wrap around my ankle. “Keep going and I'll drag you into the bathroom. I'd hate for you to have to stand while eating your dinner.”

A shiver runs down my spine. “Are you trying to stop me? Because nothing about what you said will accomplish that.”

He lowers his brows, appearing larger in his chair, and I wiggle in place.

“Okay, okay. I'll try to behave.”

The waitress returns and places our drinks in front of us. “You two ready to order?”

“Yes.” Fernando closes his menu. “I'll have the shrimp skilletini and he'll have a house salad with vinaigrette dressing.”

“Anything else I can get you two?”

“White wedding cake to go please. We won't be staying long.” I stack my menu on his and hand them both to the waitress.

“So no movie tonight?”

I wrap my fingers around the cool glass of water to keep my skin from overheating. “We can rent one and have it on as background noise.”

Laughing, he tosses his head back and brings his cup to his lips. “What do you think will be a good mood setter?”

I tap my chin and lean my body on the table. “Anything but Brokeback Mountain.”

He sputters another laugh. “So 28 Days Later then?”

“I was thinking more along the lines of Texas Chainsaw Massacre or House of Wax.”

“I think I'm too old to know of the last one,” he says before taking another drink of his Coke.

“I think you're too old for a lot of things.”

“Not everything.” He winks, sucking a piece of ice into his mouth. His long tongue wraps around it, and his eyes grow dark with promise.

Fuck. He's making everything so hard. Including my cock. “You're going to make me choke on my salad.”

“You don't even have it yet.”

“No, but when it's here, I'll be shoving it down my throat at a very unsafe speed in order for us to get the check sooner.”

He shifts in his chair, his eyes pinning me in place. “I'm not sure we were ready to come out in public together. At least not as a couple.”

The waitress brings out our food, leaving the check behind while shooting us an understanding smile. She has definitely earned herself a very large tip tonight. We don't talk much while eating, and the waitress comes back to drop off my cake while taking Fernando's card. He said since he invited me here tonight he wanted to be the one to pay and not make me worry about anything.

“All done,pequeño?” he asks as I swallow down my last bite of salad.

“Mhm,” I say, answering with my mouth partially full.

“Swallow your food before you respond. I'd hate for you to choke when we're so close to leaving.”

I pat my mouth with a napkin, grinning from behind it. “Don't worry,Padrino. I will only be choking on one thing tonight and it won't be in here.”

He spits out his coke. “Don't say things like that while I'm drinking or eating.”

“Does this only apply to food or all things?”

The waitress returns with Fernando's card and he quickly grabs it, sliding it in his wallet. After signing the slip and leaving a tip, he stands up from his chair. Walking around the table, he grabs the bag with the cake in it. “Shall we?”