Page 84 of Forbidden

“You're welcome.” I kiss his lips and fix his hair before opening the door behind me. “I'll walk out first. Wash your face and join me in two minutes.”

“Okay,” he says, sounding partially out of breath. His eyes are glassy and his face is blissed out, his mind still where it was when we were connected.

No one pays me any mind as I walk back to my seat, and when the flight attendant asks me if everything's okay, I tell her my boyfriend was having a bad panic attack and I had to help him calm down. The title feels good coming out of my mouth. Neither of us have discussed what we are to each other but it's definitely more than we once were.

She offers me a sympathetic smile and asks if she can do anything to help. I reassure her we'll be fine and look back in the direction Enrico is coming from, his steps lighter than before.

“Let me know if I can get him a drink or hot towel.”

“Will do,” I say, standing up to allow Enrico to get to his seat easier.

He settles back in his spot, shutting the window shade, and I lift the arm between us so he can fully nuzzle into my side. Pressing a kiss into his hair, I wrap my arm around him. “Let me take care of you the rest of the day. You rest your eyes now and after we complete the job, I'll take you somewhere to eat.”

“Like a date?” His voice is soft and almost too quiet.

“Si. Like a date. I'll handle everything. I'll choose the place, order your meal, and then we can share a dessert. Would you like that?”

“Mhm.” His face rubs into my shoulder.

My heart swells. “I love you, precious, and I promise, all the places we go after our job is done, we'll be able to do everything other couples do as much as you want.”

He glances up at me, his face brightening. “Who says we can't have everything sometimes?”

“Happiness looks different for everyone. You are what makes up most of mine.”

“Even when I'm a pain in the ass?” He wiggles his brows.

“Si. You wouldn't be you otherwise. I'll take you in all your forms. As long as I get to have you all for myself.”

“I'll never be anyone else's and neither will you.” His lids shut and he goes quiet. Everything that didn't make sense months ago has finally come together. Before I didn't understand how I could want him so much and now I can't imagine why I wouldn't.



Fernando steps out of the car and offers me his hand. “Ready for our first real date, sweetheart?”

“Si.” I've been ready since the plane, on the way to the client's house, while delivering the product, dropping the others back off at the airport, and on the drive here.

Wrapping his arm around me, he drags me toward the front of an Italian restaurant. In no way is he discreet as he kisses my neck and runs his hand down my side. He's been this possessive behind closed doors before but witnessing it in public almost has me wanting to request our food to go.

I brush my lips along his ear lobe as we're being shown to our table. “I'm going to eat only a salad today with a glass of water.”

His hand rubs over my back and his eyes hold a hint of concern when they meet mine. “Everything okay?”

“Yeah,” I say low in his ear. “I just want to make sure I'm able to have your cock inside me for the remainder of the night.”

Choking on his next words, he clears his throat. “We'll definitely be skipping appetizers then, and I won't order anything that takes too long to cook.”

I laugh at his eagerness. “We'll take our dessert to go as well.”

“Yes,” he says, before kissing my neck. “I'll definitely be taking you back with me and will enjoy tasting you in more ways than one.”

The hostess makes a noise with her throat, unable to meet our eyes. “Your table.” She places the menus down, her face wrinkling in discomfort. We both take our seats across from each other and my bottom lip slips between my teeth to help contain my laughter.

She writes down our drink order and takes off toward the kitchen. Stretching out my legs, I place the heels of my feet on top of the front of Fernando's shoes, resting both of my hands on the table.

Grinning, Fernando opens his menu and pretends to flip through it. “We better behave ourselves. We don't want to be thrown out of a restaurant on our first date.”