Page 67 of Forbidden

Clearing the tightness in my throat, I try my best to remain neutral. I can't have him noticing the uneasiness I feel. “He has been through a lot lately. It hasn't exactly been an easy year for him.”

Zacharias nods, flexing his fingers over his knee. “You're right. Then again, no year is when you lead the life we do. I try my best to be understanding because no one ever was with me. He needs a better father, I know that, and sometimes I'm not even sure how to be that for him. I never had an example to go off of. You were always more of a father figure to him than I was.” His words stab at my heart like a hot blade. “You two have something me and him don't have.”

My eyebrows lift. “Which is?”


I rub my fingers against my leg, glancing at my hand before meeting his gaze again. “What makes you think he's always truthful to me?”

“I see the way he looks at you.” His words have my stomach shifting and the muscles in my chest don't relax until he finishes his thought. “He doesn't hold the same resentment and anger he does for me. He went to you every time he got sick instead of me.”

My shoulders relax and the heaviness in my chest lessens. “It doesn't mean he trusts me more. You know Enrico. He does things in order to avoid facing his problems. He probably came to me in order to not have to deal with his unresolved issues with you.” My words were partly true. He has been known to purposely anger his father, and turning to someone else for help definitely would help him achieve his goal.

“Perhaps. I only want to keep him safe, and it's hard to do when he keeps sabotaging himself.”

“How would you like me to help?”

His eyes widen in my direction. “Que?”

“It's the real reason we're having this conversation, right? You want to ask me a favor.” He forgets I see his intentions from a mile away.

Tangling his fingers together, he breathes out a heavy breath. “Si. I want you to keep an eye on him for me.”

“Don't I already do that?”

“A closer eye. I want you to follow him around in between your usual duties and maybe even take some time off from the club to find out where he's been going whenever he's unreachable.”

“You sure that's the best idea?” I can dig all I want but the only trouble I'll find Enrico being involved in is me.

“No, but I'm running out at this point.”

“Alright. If that's what you need then I'll do all I can.”

“Gracias. I can always count on you.” His hand reaches for the door when the car stops.

He could once but not anymore. Not when it comes down to Enrico. We both exit the car and Antonio grabs the suitcase and follows us. Our client, Marco Collins, is already waiting for us outside, waving us in. We follow him into the house and Antonio lays the drugs on the table. While Marco assures our products hold the quality we promise, I check the money. When both parties are satisfied, we complete the transaction and head to the warehouse.

We don't talk for the whole ride back. Everything needing to be said already had been. Zacharias is too invested in whoever he's texting on his phone to care about me. Andres is clearly having another boring morning at the office. We both exit the car the moment it’s parked and say our goodbyes before parting ways to continue the rest of our day attending to different duties.

Me: I can't come tonight,pequeño. It isn't safe.

No answer comes while I'm monitoring things at one of the clubs Zacharias owns or after taking care of a minor issue at one of his hotels. Once I arrive home, I heat up food and practically inhale it after going too long without eating. My phone is still free of messages from Enrico and I retreat to my room to change in the dark, my feet knowing where my drawers are without me having to look.

Maybe Zacharias hasn't caught on to us yet but I have a feeling he's very close. I need this to last a little longer before he does. We haven't shared enough of ourselves with each other yet. If we have to do it slowly in order to have it all, I'll gladly be patient. I'm not sure Enrico can, though.

Running a hand over the back of my aching neck, I lift the covers and climb into bed. A warm body snuggling close to me has me sitting up. My hand quickly reaches for my bedside lamp and the light flickers on from the roll of my fingers.

I turn myself in my bed, giving me a better look at my intruder. Enrico is staring up at me with groggy eyes, stretching his arms above his head. “You took too long. I had a hard time waiting up. That nap earlier wasn't enough.”

“What are you doing here?”

“You couldn't come to me so I came to you,” he says between yawns.

I release an exasperated breath, resting my hands in my lap over the blanket. “If it's not safe for me then it isn't for you either. Where's Ricardo?”

“We don't have to worry about him. I took care of it.”

Hairs stand on the back of my neck and I roll out my shoulders. “What do you mean you took care of it?”