Page 66 of Forbidden

“I think I'm the one being rewarded. How lucky am I to have you like this? You make me feel like I'm holding the world in my hands.” In many ways I am.

“Padrino.” He slows down again, his body tensing.

“Let go for me now,pequeño.”

He does, shouting through his orgasm as his cum sprays all over the phone screen. His body is convulsing and completely out of control as he curls into himself.

He goes still on the mattress with his cock still in his hand, and the phone lifts back to his face, revealing his blissful smile. “Did I do good for you,Padrino?”

“So good. When you're ready, clean yourself up and take your medicine.”

Nodding, his eyes close. I'm losing him. He yawns, his lashes fluttering against his cheeks. “So sleepy. I wish you were here holding me.”

“Me too,” I say, my heart yearning.

“Will you come by tonight?”

“I don't know if I should. I've never stayed there before. It might look weird if I do it out of the blue.”

His eyes open again and they swallow me whole, causing guilt to tug at my chest. “Maybe it doesn't have to be. You can give Ricardo a break.”

Chuckling softly, I press my head against the chair, glancing up at the ceiling before looking back at him. “We'll see. I'll try my best. From now on, that's all you'll get from me.”

His lids fall shut again and he rubs his face into the pillow. “You can say it now you know.”

“Say what?” I ask lazily.

“The words I told you not to say.”

Smiling wide, my heart expands in my chest. “I will the next time we are lying face-to-face and I'm able to show you everything you are to me.” I waited too long, keeping the words buried in my chest until he was ready for me to say them, and saying them over the phone when he's only partially awake won't be good enough. He deserves better. When the words burst from my mouth, there will be no questioning if he'll remember later or not, and I'll be able to say it not only into his ear but also into his skin as I wrap my arms around him.

His soft snores reassure me I've made the right choice. “Sleep well, little one,” I say before ending the FaceTime call.

Standing up from my chair, I strip out of my pants and toss them in the hamper on my way to the bathroom. My shower is only long enough for me to relieve myself again and get clean. Neither takes me long. My pleasure was already built up inside me, swimming so close to the surface my hand didn't have to do much work for me to spill my load.

Stepping out of the tub, I grab a towel from the nearby cabinet and dry off before walking toward my bedroom to search for clothes presentable enough for work. I have a few visits to make today and also a few contacts to reach out to regarding Dr. Peterson. I won't stop until he is found, and I know Zacharias wouldn't want me to.

After I'm dressed, I butter some toast and eat it on my way to pick up an order from one of our main warehouses to deliver to one of our clients. Angel was a man of his word and had our order delivered at a halfway point in a matter of a few days, the way we agreed. The truck arrived earlier this morning and Zacharias wasted no time alerting our best clients.

The heat enclosed in my car has me feeling suffocated, and thankfully it doesn't take long for cool air to fill the small space. Summer is quickly approaching and I'll miss the occasional cool breezes and lower temps we get in the wintertime. When I finally arrive at my destination, I'm taken by surprise to see Zacharias waiting inside.

“Compadre, you're early.”

Searching around, I walk closer.“Si. Que paso?”

He purses his lips and shoves his hands in his pockets. “Nothing. Was just hoping we could talk this morning on the way to Mr. Collins's house.”

“Of course. You sure there's nothing wrong?”

Shrugging, he glances behind him before looking back at me. “I was hoping you could tell me in the car.”

Ignoring the uneasy feeling in my stomach, I force a smile on my face. “You know I usually try my best.”

His hand lands on my shoulder, offering a gentle squeeze. “Lo sé.”

Grabbing the suitcase from one of the tables, I follow him to the car waiting for us and leave mine behind. Antonio is sitting behind the wheel, greeting us as we slide into the back seat.

Zacharias waits until he's pulling onto the road to begin talking. “I think something is going on with Enrico. He's been off lately and spacing out during our conversations. I can't help feeling like he's keeping secrets from me again.”