Page 51 of Forbidden

“Easy,compadre. Pace yourself.”

Nodding, I push his hand away. “I'm fine. Just a little banged up. Enrico,” I say, louder than intended. “Is he okay?”

Zacharias's face wrinkles. “He wasn't in the car. I was hoping you could tell me why.”

My heart pounds in my ears and this time I don't let him stop me from sitting. Ignoring the ache in my bones, I hold myself up on my hands as best I can. “What do you mean he's not in the car? He was with me when we left. I— We were talking right before the accident happened.” I was holding his hand, scared of what would happen if I let go.

“Antonio and I've checked everywhere and he's nowhere to be found.”

Searching around, all I see is my wrecked car and the one Antonio was driving. All the other vehicles left behind were tire marks and pieces of crushed metal. “The other cars.”

“What other cars?” Zacharias rests his hand on my shoulder, peering deeper into my eyes. “Tell me everything you can remember.”

“We were hit by two black cars. They came out of nowhere. Someone was following us from the hotel and we were able to lose them. Then two more came and I didn't see them.” I was too busy watching him. It's my fault he's gone. I lost focus of what was important—his life. Not my stupid feelings. This is why wanting him is dangerous. It left me careless and distracted.

“What else do you know about them? Did you see the drivers at all? License plates?”

“No,” I say, feeling useless.

Standing up, he runs a hand through his hair and glances around. “Fuck,” he shouts. “We need to find out who took my son and fast.”

“What if it was Angel?”

His gaze shifts back to me. “Why would he do this? You'd think he'd wait to have my money first.”

“Who knows what his plan was when he agreed to your meeting. Why delay it?”

“He had his reasons. The same as us. He'd be very stupid to fuck me over this way,” he says between clenched teeth.

“It doesn't hurt to start there.” I fall to the ground after my first attempt of standing up, my body screaming. I groan, grabbing at my aching side.

“We need to get you looked at by a doctor first.”

“We can’t. All we'll do is lose more time. No telling what's happening to him right now.” My vision blurs from anger. If they hurt a single hair on his head, I will rip each one from their scalp slowly.

Looking conflicted, Zacharias leans over, offering me his hand. I take it, holding on tight while he pulls me to my feet. He helps me to his car and I stretch out along the back seat. My mind races, going to the worst places as Antonio drives to Angel's house. The ride is bumpy but short, everything happening around me not enough to drown out my unsettling thoughts. What if I lose him for good this time?

Once we get to Angel’s house, I sit up, scooting closer to the door so I can glance out the window. Angel is stepping onto his front porch with a gun in his hand. Two men follow closely behind him. Before Antonio can fully stop the car, I swing the door open.

“Wait,” Zacharias orders. “Don't do anything stupid.”

Ignoring him, I climb out of the car and grab the side while walking closer to the house.

Angel meets me halfway and I can hear Zacharias opening his door from behind me.

“Who the hell are you and what do you want?” Angel asks, pointing the gun at my head.

“I want to know where Enrico is.”

He tilts his head and glances behind me. “Who the hell is Enrico?”

“Don't play dumb with me. You had men attack us on the road. Admit it. You are the only ones who knew we were here.”

His jaw tightens. “How dare you come to my home accusing me of some shit I know nothing about.”

Zacharias steps beside me, lifting his hands in the air when Angel's gun moves to him. “Put the gun down. We only want to talk.”

Angel's nose flares and he spits on the concrete. “Our meeting ended earlier today. We didn't have any plans to meet again until next month. Go home, Zacharias.”