Page 50 of Forbidden

Grinning, I place my hand on his. “Exactly.”

He glances at our touching bodies and then back at the road. As he attempts to pull away, I press down on his hand to keep him where he is.

He releases a loud sigh. “Let go,pequeño.”

“Why? Earlier you said we have to stop once we're on the plane and we aren't yet.”

He relaxes his hand and settles against his seat. “You really do like to twist my words into your own meaning, don't you?”

Linking our fingers together, I press my cheek to the seat and smile his way. “Only when it works in my favor.”

His smile falls, his face freezing when he glances in the rearview mirror. “Someone’s following us.”

Releasing his hand, I turn my head to face the back window. “You sure?”

“Positive. They've been behind us since we left the hotel. I was hoping they would have turned by now.”

“What do you think we should do?”

Speeding up, he quickly turns the wheel. “I'm going to try to lose them.”

The car follows close behind, nearly crashing into the stop sign. Fuck. He's right. Then again, when isn't he? Fernando is more observant than most. It's what's kept my dad alive for so long. He drives faster and turns onto another road before taking a sharp U-turn, speeding up in front of approaching cars. The vehicle following is stuck waiting for the road to be clear, giving us more time to fully lose them.

Releasing a long breath of relief, Fernando grabs my hand and smiles my way. “Let's hurry and get to that fucking plane before there are any more delays.”

“Sounds like a plan.” As I turn my head to face the road, something smashes into the back right side of our car. We spin around and Fernando tries to say something to me before I hit my head on the window. The glass cracks from the impact and everything goes black.

Loud sirens of an ambulance have my eyes flashing open. The bright lights increase the throbbing in my head and everything in front of me is a blur. Someone is placing a mask over my face and another moving figure is wrapping something on my arm. “Everything looks good. We should have no issues operating today,” a deep voice says.

“He told you he didn't want the boy too damaged,” someone else responds. His tone is higher pitched and he doesn't sound as confident as the first guy.

A loud huff comes from above me. “Relax. External wounds don't matter. All that's important is the organs are intact and he's breathing long enough for us to extract them,” deep voice says reassuringly.

My heart speeds in my chest and I try to move but my arms and legs are strapped to the bed. It doesn't stop me from tugging hard against the restraints anyway. Everything aches and my whole body is heavier than usual. All I want to do is sleep but I fight it, knowing I can't let them arrive at their destination. They’re fucking organ traffickers. How did they choose me?

“Stop that. Lay still. You'll only hurt yourself more.” I'm not sure who's speaking anymore. I'm too focused on my surroundings. I need to get the fuck out of here before I become spare parts.

Normally these people are very precise and already have a recipient in mind before obtaining the product. Why come after me? Surely there were many others they could have taken who were also matches. Why the son of a drug lord? The bed shakes as I shift side to side, trying to hit whoever I can because fuck these assholes.

As my vision clears, one man with dark eyes and hair smiles down at me. “Easy there,cabron. No need to increase your heart rate before we get to the hospital. There's a lovely woman who's been patiently awaiting her new ticker and was promised to receive it today. We'd hate to disappoint her.”

I try to talk but my tongue feels too heavy in my mouth, and that's when I notice an IV in my arm and the other man inserting something from a syringe. “Time to sleep now, and hopefully you won't be waking up again. For your sake at least. Doc was instructed to operate whether your eyes were open or not.” His laughter slowly fades away as I drift back into darkness. Fernando's face enters my mind one last time and the only dread I feel is never seeing it again.



I open my eyes and everything shakes around me. Loud shouting and the crunching of glass comes from nearby. My name is being called and when I answer my voice comes out as nothing but a whisper. I try to move my body but the pain is paralyzing. “Enrico,” I say, searching beside me. My hand slowly reaches out toward the empty seat and my eyes sting as hot tears stream down my cheeks. My lids shut and then I open them again.

It doesn't matter how much my vision increases, he's still gone. I catch air when I reach for the spot next to me again. My hand slams against the seat and I don't care about the added pain I cause myself. I'll inflict it over and over in order to stop the stabbing in my heart.

The car door opens and Zacharias is cutting at my seat belt, asking me questions I can't comprehend. Enrico isn't here and I need to know why. It's all I care about. Did they help him already? Is he outside waiting for me, ready to tell me his ridiculous jokes while wearing his cheeky smile? I hope so. They are all I need right now.

“I got you,” Zacharias says. “I need you to grab on to me.”

I do as he says, wrapping my arms around his body as he slowly drags me from the car. Antonio rushes towards us and helps carry me to the nearby sidewalk. “Fernando, can you understand what I'm saying to you?” Zacharias is kneeling beside me, holding on to my face.

“Yeah.” I try to lift my head and he gently presses on my chest.