Page 37 of Forbidden

I do as he asks and he yanks his gun free, shooting at one of the cars following us. The third bullet hits the driver square in the head and the car runs off the road, flipping over into a large field.

“You ok—”

Another bullet flies through the window, hitting Fernando in the shoulder. He groans, grabbing at the bleeding wound.

“We have to get off this fucking road,” I shout, my voice trembling with worry. “Otherwise neither of us will make it to the hotel.”

“Antonio and your father?” he asks, grabbing the wheel with one hand.

“I don't see them anywhere. Hopefully that means they got away.”

The car is right behind us again, shooting at the back window. Glass shatters and I stick my left hand out the window, aiming for their tires. I'm not as good of a shot with this hand so it takes more than two tries. Making a screeching sound, their car swivels and slows down.

Fernando drives faster, taking a sharp turn onto a dirt road. “Anyone else following us?” He checks the mirrors, his face scrunching up from the pain.

“No. Keep driving and I'll call my father to see if he made it out.”

I reach for my phone but before I can dial my father, my phone rings and his name shows up on the screen. I quickly answer, hitting the speaker button. “Hola?”

“Mijo? Are you hurt?” My father talks so fast, it takes me a bit to realize what he said.

Shaking my head, I look in Fernando's direction. “No, but Fernando is. Thankfully it's only a flesh wound.”

His breathing is heavy on the other end and a door shuts loudly where he is. He's getting out of the car. “I don't know who the hell those assholes were or if they'll be coming back but we'll have to be ready in case they decide to.”

“Was it Angel? Is this why he asked us to stay so he could ambush us?” I dig my nails into my knee, wishing I was doing it to his throat instead. I didn't trust them anymore than they trusted us. S wasn't the only one uneasy in that meeting.

“Un momento.” The line goes silent for a few minutes. “I messaged him just now and he promises he had nothing to do with it.”

“He's lying.” I fold my fingers into my palm so hard, I can feel the skin tearing beneath my nails.

“I don't think so. Makes no sense when he had us in his home and the opportunity was staring him in the face. He felt guilty and said he hated that his guests were put in such danger. He guarantees our safety at the hotel. We won't leave unless we need to,” he insists.

“They can meet us there tomorrow morning instead of the other way around. Afterward, we'll get back on the jet and fly our asses back home,” I reply, hoping my words get across.

“Si. I'll see you soon. You'll be sharing a room with Fernando tonight. I don't want either one of us alone right now. We are weaker when we are.”

The line goes quiet and I don't have to check my phone to know he hung up. He wants me to share a room with Fernando. Will there only be one bed too? My stomach dances and I adjust my seat belt, suddenly unable to sit still. Fernando's eyes stay focused on the road and it's hard to guess what he's thinking.

“Where are we going?” I ask, after I noticed he's driving in the wrong direction. “Have you finally decided to run away with me?” I smile cheekily his way.

He scoffs. “Not exactly. We need to stop at the pharmacy. You're going to remove the bullet from my shoulder and sew me up.”

My throat goes dry. “I— What?”

“We can't exactly go to a hospital. So you'll have to do it. Don't worry, I'll walk you through it.” He pulls the car into a parking lot and parks in front of the pharmacy.

Retrieving a notepad and pen from his jacket pocket, he scribbles down a list. He rips the page free and hands it to me. “Try not to take too long.”

His hand presses to his shoulder and more blood covers his fingers. I swallow hard, swinging the door open and stepping out of the car. I slam the door shut and stick my head in the open window. “Try not to bleed out on me.”

He groans and leans his body against the door. I rush toward the front, eyeing the list in my hand. Grabbing a basket, I quicken my steps through each aisle, tossing everything I need inside. I add a few snacks and drinks before checking out.

My heart jumps into my throat when I see Fernando slumped over with his eyes closed. Panic rises in me, ripping through my chest like a knife. I swing open the car door, lightly shaking at his shoulders. “Wake up,pendejo. You better not die on me.”

His eyes flicker open. “You said it yourself, pequeño,it's only a flesh wound. Now help me to the back seat and you drive the rest of the way.”

I help him to the back and slip into the driver's side, going as fast as I can without speeding. I don't need to be pulled over on top of everything else. It doesn’t take us long before we reach the hotel and I park the car. Fernando waits while I run inside to check in and grab our room key. The woman knows exactly who I am when I tell her my name and already has everything ready for us. Shoving the card in my pocket, I rush back out into the night’s warm air. Holding the store bag and my black duffle on one arm, I hang on to Fernando with the other. I open the door when we reach the room and to my disappointment there are two queen beds.