Page 36 of Forbidden

My father and I both give him more reasons why he doesn't want to turn us away. We also tell him how much we are willing to pay for each kilo of blow. After a few drinks, the food arrives and we take a break from speaking business, eating in silence for the most part.

Angel whispers something into the other guy's ear while pushing his empty plate away. “We’re going to need a few minutes to talk this over with each other. We will meet you two in the living room. Eduardo will take you there.”

“Take all the time you need.” My father stands from his chair and I follow suit. Eduardo is waiting for us by the back door and the man's expression hasn't changed the whole time we've been here. Not sure he's ever smiled a day in his life or knows how to. He presses his lips into a thin line as he nudges his head toward the house and we walk back inside, heading for the couches.

“Sit,” he demands.

“We’d much rather stand,” my father says, straightening his neck.

“Suit yourself,” the man replies sharply.

After several minutes of being stared up and down, Angel walks into the room alone. “My partner says he needs more time to think it over. A night to sleep on it should suffice.”

My father flattens his tie. “We weren't planning on staying.”

Angel twists his lips and tilts his head. “I guess that plan has changed unless you don't want what I have to offer. You’re welcome to stay in one of our hotels for the night if it’s safety that’s your concern.”

“We might not even get it and will be wasting our time for nothing. It's not exactly something we have a lot of,” I say, craning my neck.

“Then leave and find someone else then. No one is stopping you,” Angel says pointedly.

“One night,” my father agrees. “Think long and hard about what we have to offer in return.” My father shoves a folded slip of paper in his hand.

Angel peeks at it before shoving it in his pocket. “Oh, we will. Eduardo will show you the door.”

“He's playing us,” I whisper in my father's ear as we exit the house. “We should go home and find another solution.”

He glances behind him. “Patience,mijo. These are the drugs I want and these are the drugs I'm gonna get.”

“Orale.We'll wait one night then. Where are we staying?”

My father wraps his arm around my shoulders. “It's already been taken care of. While we were waiting for an answer, I sent Antonio and Fernando a message. We are staying close by at one of the Jeventino owned hotels. It was Angel's suggestion after all.”

“Lovely. So we will be watched closely the whole time we are here.”

“If that's what it takes for them to trust us then we can handle it for one night.”

Our car pulls up and Fernando rolls down the window. “They already had a reservation for you when I made the call.”

“Of course they did,” I say, climbing into the passenger side.

Antonio pulls up in a different car behind us, one he must have picked up while we were in our meeting. “See you two in a little bit,” my father says, approaching the black sedan.

Riding separately makes it harder for us to be targeted at the same time, and if someone were to hit one, the other vehicle will have time to get away. You can never be too careful when in someone else's territory. We have to do everything we can to ensure at least one of us stays alive to continue what we've started and to guarantee whoever attacked us pays in the worst way.

Fernando waits until my father enters the vehicle safely before driving off. “How are you feeling,pequeño?”

“Tired and a little woozy from the alcohol. That'll teach me to drink on an empty stomach.”

“At least no one slipped anything into your drink.” He grins my way, sharply turning onto another road.

I bark out a laugh and lean back in my seat. “I'd say I'm sorry but I'd be lying.”

He eyes me from the side. “Oh, you'll be sorry. You just won't realize how much until I show you later.”

“Do your worst.”

“Be careful what you ask for.” He speeds up the car and as he's passing a small parking lot, two cars come out of nowhere, shooting at our windows. We both duck and Fernando spins the car around. “Grab the wheel,pequeño.”