It would never happen, in a million years. But it’s my daydream, and he’s a worthy piece of eye-candy.

My enthusiasm is quickly squashed when an attractive woman follows behind him. They seat themselves together at an open table, already deep in conversation. My heart sinks a little, my lips turning down in a pout.Of course. All the cute ones are taken.

He walks away after a moment, coming up to the counter to order while she continues to wait at their table. I stare at her enviously, noting the way her gaze is locked on him. It’s obvious they’re close, and all thoughts of any future romance fly from my head.

Oh, well. It’s not like I have time for it, anyway. I have enough on my plate already, between my mom and the shop. I barely get a chance to sleep, much less date.

It doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy the view, however. I find myself watching him as he orders, admiring his well-dressed appearance. He’s white, tall, tan and lean, and there’s something very calming but impressive about the aura he gives off.

His brown hair is neatly combed but in a very simple style. It suggests he’s the type who tries to look good but isn’t overly infatuated with himself, either. He’s attractive, and it’s the result of luck more than intense effort.

He must be able to feel me watching him because his eyes slide sideways to lock on mine. I can feel myself heat up with embarrassment and quickly pretend to be wiping down the counter instead.Great. Now he thinks I’m some creepy weirdo.

Still, I can’t resist sneaking another glance after a moment. Our eyes lock again, and I realize he never looked away. He flashes me a placid smile that makes something bubble deep down in my stomach.

Once more, I focus on the counter. It hits me, too late, that I just blew it. I could have smiled back, at least. I look up to see he is already gone, now, carrying his drinks back to his table.

Curiously, I glance over at the receipt he just signed, startled to read the name. Aiden Hayes.

“Does anyone know that guy?” I ask in a low voice, not wanting to be overheard. The other employees look perplexed, but if they know anything, they are not saying.

I watch him again. This time, it is not out of admiration but something more like suspicion. Our landlord, the one who sent that eviction letter, is a Mr. Hayes. I have never met him as this is my parent’s business, not mine.

But why does he have the same last name? Is he related to him? Or, could it just be a coincidence? Hayes is not that uncommon of a name, after all.

He looks over at me to catch me staring again. By this point, heshouldbe annoyed. I would be.

All he offers is another smile, making my heart beat wildly in my chest even as I resent the effect he has on me. I turn my back toward him, pretending to work before his girlfriend catches me gawking.

He can’t be related to the landlord,I decide on my own.He seems too sweet and gentle.

I try to pretend I don’t feel the way my heart thumps in agreement.



How could he think that’s a good idea?My head is swimming. I know I probably look like a madman. I can hardly keep still while waiting for my order.

My eyes have already begun checking out the counter, taking in their display of baked goods. I swear the baker here is a prodigy. There’s a reason this place is our favorite. Through conflict and trials, this coffee shop has always been the best way to release all my stress.

Maybe they put something in their coffee.The thought makes the corner of my mouth twitch up. Even as upset as I am, the idea still amuses me.

My thoughts eventually fade back to why I’m here in the first place. The muscles in my face start to tense up again as the thought loop starts over.I get my freedom ripped away because my father wants to make a business connection.

I don’t even notice that I’m staring into the back of the head of the person in front of me in line. At least, until she turns and looks at me. My eyes focus, and I make an apologetic face, then quickly look away.

Then it is my turn to feel someone else’s eyes on me. I look over to see one of the workers behind the counter watching me. She’s an attractive Black woman, tall and poised with sea green eyes that nearly distract me from my frustration.

She looks away uncomfortably, wiping the counter. I continue to study her, noticing my pulse seems to slow when I look at her. There’s something almost soothing about her and the calm, steady way she moves.

She looks up a second later, and I just smile. She looks away again, and I tear my eyes away in time to order. I get our drinks and carry them back to the table where Aleighia is waiting, noting her furrowed brow.

“What’s wrong?” I ask, setting the cups on the table.

“Are you okay?” Her voice is small, and I know she doesn’t want to draw attention. I sit down, and I sigh, my frame leaning over the table to put my head in my hands.

“I’m just…overwhelmed. No. I’m pissed. Why does his career have to ruin my life?” I speak louder than I wanted to, and the shop quiets for a moment. I groan lightly, refusing to look up from the table.