“What do you think will happen if the marriage turns sour? It seems kind of unreliable to base a partnership on a marriage.” I can feel her ramping up for a ramble, and I take a hand off my head to stop her.

“Please. I can not deal with that.” I sit up and lean back against the small chair. Taking my drink, I lift it to my face. The nutty aroma of the drink instantly relaxes my muscles.

What my sister asks next tightens them back up. “Do you think you’ll go through with it?” she asks, sipping her foamy latte.

I hesitate. Everything in my heart says no. No way. I can’t possibly.

But I find myself nodding, despite myself. I don’t want to say it, but what choice do I have?

“Probably,” I admit bitterly. “I don’t want to, but you know Dad. I’ll end up doing it whether I want to or not.”

She nods solemnly, knowing just as well as I that his word might as well be law. We share a moment of silence, the uncomfortable energy of what is to come quieting my normally chatty sibling.

After a while, I break the silence. “I think I have a plan.” My gaze looks up from my drink to her.

She meets my eyes. “What do you mean?”

I instinctually rub the back of my neck, trying to figure out how to explain it. “If I can find a girl who will marry me, one Iactuallylike, then maybe Dad won’t make me marry Ada.”

I notice my sister’s face isn’t immediately disillusioned, and I feel myself smile for the first time all night. Aleighia’s expression twists, as though she is thinking it over. Before I know it, she’s laughing from the other side of the table.

“What’s so funny?” I squint at her. She puts her head in her hands, looking at me intently.

“Where are you going to find a girl like that, huh?” she asks through the giggles. I find my eyes flicking over to the beautiful employee I noticed a moment ago.

I’ve seen her a few times before today, but we’ve never interacted. The owner usually takes my order. My tongue slides along the inside of my cheek, wondering if she could be interested, too. I did catch her looking at me and looking embarrassed. Am I reading too much into a glance?

My sister whips her head around to follow my gaze and covers her mouth to muffle the snort.

“Her? Did you pick the first pretty girl you saw?” she asks, and I scowl at the accusation.

“Of course not. We’ve seen her here a lot.”She is pretty. Beautiful even.Her sea-green eyes stand out against her dewy, brown skin. She looks like a kind soul.

“This idea is impossible,” my sister softly says, like she doesn’t want to deter me. I look at her, and her face says it all.

Aleighia never wants to stop me. She will always support my ideas, but this one she really doesn’t believe will work.I’ll make it work.

I shrug lightly, as if I'm not attached to the idea myself. Looking back at the counter, the woman makes eye contact with me again. We smile at each other, and I break the look to stare down at my drink.

“She’s really pretty,” my sister agrees, and I look up to find her practically gawking at the girl. I inwardly groan at how indiscreet she can be.

Aleigha shakes her head lightly. “A girl like that has no chance against Ada.” I know she’s right, and I shake my head.

She doesn’t notice and goes on. “She looks too nice. Ada would eat her whole.” Aleighia looks back over at me and mimics a snake swallowing a mouse.

I laugh, but my mind is elsewhere. My sister’s voice is foggy in the background, and I pick up little notes of her babbling. She’s trying to tell me all the reasons this won’t work.

I ignore her, instead focusing on how I can prove her wrong and make this happen. I just know if I do this right, that adorable stranger will be mine.

She looks a lot sweeter than the hell I’m currently facing with Ada.



All of the muscles in my hands are cramping. With a shake of my head, I try to fend off the itchiness on my hairline. I know hairnets are required, especially when doing such an expensive order. But, God, do they itch.

I wish I hadn’t left the icing to the last minute, but I didn’t want it to get hard from exposure.You did this to yourself!I chastise.