Theridetothehospital is a blur, my mind races with all the worst-case scenarios that could happen to my best friend. She‘s more than that though. We’re closer than sisters, and mean even more to each other in every way.

Jonas gets out of the back of Orin’s truck, and turns to help me out. I’m on autopilot, until we get to the reception area in the ER department.A place I know all too well. A place I thought I’d seen the last of. Once again, it’s because of Steven that I’m here, but this time it’s someone else he’s hurt.

All because I ignored his text.I close my eyes for a moment to gather myself, and open them, looking at the nurse behind the counter.

“I’m sorry, can you say that again?” I ask, more aware of my surroundings now.

“She’s in surgery. If you want to wait in a private room, I’ll show you the way,” She says with compassion in her voice, and a sad look in her eyes.

“Yes, please,” Jonas says when I fail to answer.

The nurse nods and gestures to another staff member to take her post while she takes us back to the waiting room.

We all trudge behind her. My feet seem like they’ve gained a hundred pounds and each step is harder than the last. If something happens to her because of Steven, I’ll never be able to forgive myself. Zander will be just as devastated. He’s grown just as close with her as I have, if not more. Kids don’t have guards up, not like adults do.

Not that Jaz makes it hard to love her. I’m guessing that’s why Blake is here, and acting like a caveman. I hope Gemini can get that situation under control.I can’t give it any head space right now, though.

We sit down and wait. And wait. And wait some more. While we do, Nora and her men show up. Heath looks as upset as I am. I can understand how. All his staff are like a second family to him. Jaz, even more so.

After several hours, a doctor comes out, looks around, then comes right to me.

“Mrs. Black?” he asks.

“Yes, that’s me,” I say, sitting up from resting my head on Nora’s shoulder.

“Jaz made it out of surgery okay, but she’s got a long road of recovery ahead of her. Can you come with me, and we can get into more detail in a more private place?”

I look at Orin, needing his support and he stands, helping me up. Before we go, I turn and envelop Nora in a fierce hug. She returns it, and whispers in my hair, “Anything you need just reach out. I mean it. We’re all here for you and Jaz. Don’t worry, she’s going to make it through this just fine. You’ll see.”

I pull back. I want to believe her words, but I don’t feel them right now. Not until I can see her for myself.

I look for Jonas, and find he’s already waiting next to Orin. Together, we go and do what we can for Jaz to be sure she gets the best care possible for a full recovery.


I’m coming back from getting a bottle of water from the vending machine down the hall, when I hear raised voices.

“Why do you even care?” Jaz’s hard voice filters to me through the open door. “Why are you here? We’re just fucking.”

Oh, Jaz. I can hear the fear in her voice, and my heart breaks for her. She deserves happiness, and I truly believe Blake is the one to give it to her, but I can’t force her. She has to come to that conclusion on her own.

I hear the low rumble of Blake's voice, but it’s not loud enough for me to hear his response. A nurse gets up, and goes over to enter her room.

“Sir, you need to get a hold of yourself. The patient doesn’t need to get worked up, and make her heart work any harder than it already is. If you can’t calm down, I’m going to have to ask you to leave.”

I move closer to the open door, but still out of sight.

“Fuck it,” Blake spits out. “I’m outta here.”

He strides out of the room, closes the door carefully behind himself, and stops dead when he sees me.

My heart goes out to him. He’s got heartbreak written all over him, so I decide to help him and my best friend out.

“She’s stubborn, but it’s coming from a place of fear. Don’t let her live with it,” I say, giving his arm a squeeze before moving on past her room, down to the waiting room, where Gemini is waiting for me now.

23 No Way Out
