It seems like we’re waiting forever for the others to get back, when Nora stands up, her hands clasped so tightly together her knuckles are white.

“Does anyone want anything to drink?” Nora says, probably more to do something than anything else.

Before any of us can answer, there’s a knock on the door. It opens and Jonas and my brother come in, each one sitting next to me. They each take her hand and when my phone rings, Jonas turns her head toward him, pressing his forehead to hers, speaking softly to her.

“Daron,” I bark, and then wait. The news isn’t good, and each word makes my heart weigh more and more in my chest. I have to close my eyes and rest my head on the top of Heather’s, or I might break under the weight of them.

“Okay, thank you. We’ll be there soon,” I say and hang up. Taking a deep breath to try and get the words out that I wish I didn’t have to tell my girl, I pull her back, and look into her emerald green eyes.

“Jaz was shot. She’s in the ICU, getting prepped for surgery. They found Steven in the same area with a gun matching the caliber she was shot with. They took him into custody, and are doing forensics on him, the gun, and processing the scene.”

With each word, Heather’s tears come faster and faster. When I’m done, she lets out a sob, shoving her face in my shoulder. Her arms are tiny vices around my neck. I don’t care. She can hug the life out of me. I never want to do that to her again. But it had to be me. There was no one else I trusted to tell her.I look to my brother, then Jonas, and they both have somber looks on their faces for our woman.

Now for the easier part.

“There’s something else,” I pull her back slightly, so I can see her, “she sent a text to Heath. He found her. Apparently, she sent him a scheduled auto-text as a precaution. Before he could get there, Steven shot her. Heath called Blake, and now he is at the hospital. Blake’s giving the hospital staff a hard time, and won’t leave her bedside. Since they couldn’t confirm his relationship with her, the officers there are threatening to arrest him if it’s not cleared up quickly. Do you know who he is?” I don’t want one of her loved ones locked up in a time like this, but I don’t want an acquaintance to know her business either.

“He’s her boyfriend,” Heather says, shock clear on her face and in her voice.

“Jaz named you her medical proxy. We need to get there now so we can decide what needs to be done for her, and relay those wishes to the medical staff.” Jonas and Orin stand, and Jonas pulls Heather from my lap.

“Come on, mama. Let’s go.” He pulls her along, and Orin and I follow, not willing to leave her side.

“I’m going to go down to the station and keep my finger on the investigation. I want to be sure they don’t botch things up,” I say, kissing the top of her head.

“I’ll come to the hospital when I know they’ve got things all buttoned up. Be safe,” I say the last part to the other two. They’ve got precious cargo, and emotions are high all around right now. They both give me nods of understanding. My fellow officers are giving me this, since technically, Heather and I aren’t married, but normally this would be considered a conflict of interest.

Knowing she’s in good hands, I walk out and head to the police station to do what I do best.

Get a confession out of a suspect.

21 Reality Check


Thedoorcloseswitha loudclankand I drift back, remembering a bit of lost time.

The arresting officer digs my face into the dirt, even though I’m not resisting arrest. He’s going to pay.My lawyers are going to shred this case with the brutality they’re showing me.

“You’re under arrest…” the officer says. I block out the rest of what he’s saying.

The ride to the station is unpleasant, to say the least.Their rough handling and lack of professionalism is going to bite them in the ass.

I sit back and bide my time, until I get my phone call.Then they’ll be sorry.

I go through the intake process, and that’s when I’m calm enough to take in why I’ve been arrested.

They’re saying I shot Heather’s best friend, Jaz. It’d be no less than she deserves but I know, I’m not stupid enough to jeopardize my life like that.Not to mention getting my son back.

My lawyer will clear everything up. I’ll sue them, and then, I’ll be untouchable.

In a cell, with several other less savory men, I keep my distance from them, not wanting their stench to attach itself to me.

I’m well above any of these low lives. I don’t belong here. It’s no matter. My lawyer will clear everything up and I’ll get my family back. On the plus side, if I did shoot Jaz, she’ll now be out of the way and unable to interfere between me and my wife. She’s always sticking her nose into our business. Putting ridiculous ideas into Heather’s head.

22 Lifeline

Keeping Me Alive by Jonathan Roy Heather