Page 22 of A Million Pieces

She shook her head. “I have to go home. I can’t stay here. I’m sorry.”

Before I could even respond, she was pulling away. Something spooked her, and I think it has to do with Gage and Tripp. I was sure of it because she cares about my son. My boy was the last straw with our marriage, actually no, I was the last straw. He just happens to be a reminder of it.

Mom told me that every day during her lunch, Brooke calls or video chats with Tripp. That is the reason I didn’t totally give up, but I don’t know if I even have a chance. I want one, goddo I want one.

“You know I’ve never been good at waiting.” I try to make light of it, even though Dad knows damn well that I was just being a dick.

He grabs my shoulder. “I would love nothing more than for the two of you to be back together, especially giving Tripp the kind of mom he deserves. It can’t be forced on her, it can’t.”

I know that, but like I said, I’m impatient. “I get it, Dad. Sorry about earlier.”

He slaps me on the back. “It’s all good. Now get back to work.”

Opening the door, I step out into the hall. Derrick comes walking toward me. “You okay?” he asks as raises his brow.

“Yeah, I’m good. What’s up?” I follow him out to the garage and find Brooke standing in one of the open bays. On quick feet, I move toward her. That’s when I see she’s pale. Fuck, what if it’s Austin? The piece of shit has become vapor. No one has been able to find the shithead.

“She needs to talk to you,” he says and then leaves me as I walk toward her.

“Hey, you okay?” I ask.

Brooke looks away and then turns back toward me. “Can we talk?”

I grab her hand and we walk over to the park, a park that still holds the swings that I used to push her on when we were younger. I’m grateful that she doesn’t pull away from me.

Leading her to her swing. As soon as Brooke sits, I begin to push her. At first neither of us says anything. I’m savoring this moment in case she is here to tell me itisover forever. I decide to break the silence. “I’ve missed you.” Holding on to the chains, I lean down and say it quietly into her ear.

“I-I’ve missed you.” She freezes and suddenly puts her feet down to stop herself from swinging, bends over, and promptly throws up.

“Shit, are you okay?” I squat down next to her. Reaching out, I brush her hair out of her face.

She looks up at me. “I’m pregnant.” Tears run down her cheeks as she swipes at her mouth with the back of her hand.

“What?” I’m floored right now, shocked, and maybe even stunned, but I want to pick her up right now and hug her tightly. “This-this is great news.”

Brooke shakes her head. “I don’t know if I’m going to have it.”

“Why wouldn’t you? It’s our baby.” My heart begins to beat wildly in my chest. Would she really not have a baby that was a part of both of us?

She shakes her head. “I can’t risk it. What if I lost this baby? I couldn’t survive it again.”

I pull her into my arms, hugging her tight. “That’s why you left Tripp and me.” The way she stiffens in my arms proves I’m right.

Finally, when she nods, I let out a sigh of relief. “He’s wormed his way into my heart. All I kept thinking was what if something happened to him.” Brooke shakes her head. “That sounds awful and I’m sorry, but those thoughts were just playing on a constant loop.”

Grabbing her face, I tip her head back to look at her. “Baby, don’t you think I’ve had those fears too. The first three months of Tripp’s life I stayed by his side constantly. He slept in my room in his carrier next to my bed. It took me falling asleep and him slipping off my lap before I realized I couldn’t live in fear. Sure, I will always worry about him, but I don’t let it cripple me anymore.”

“I don’t know if I’m strong enough to do this again.” Brooke sniffs as a tear slides down her cheek.

I wipe it away with my thumb. “Don’t you know? You’re the strongest woman I know.”

Her lips tip up in the corners. “We’re having a baby.”

Wrapping her in my arms, I hug her so tight I lift her off her feet. “We’re having a baby.”

I set her down and know I’m smiling like a crazy person. “When do you want to get married?”

Brooke steps back from me. “Who said anything about getting married? We are not getting married just because I’m pregnant. Don’t you remember? We already did that.”