Page 23 of A Million Pieces

I step toward her and grab her shoulders. “You know damn well that I was going to marry you, regardless. You’ve been it for me since the day I met you.” Not even caring that she just threw up, I pull her to me and kiss her hard on the lips.

“I-I need time, but I know that I love you. Even when I hated you, I still loved you.”

It fucking kills me to think she had once hated me, but itismy fault I destroyed us, but I’ll be damned if we don’t get our happy ending now.

“Please don’t tell anyone yet. It’s too soon and I-I just want to make sure everything is okay first.” She looks at her feet and then back up at me. “I’d like to be there when you tell Tripp. I just don’t want him feeling like this baby is trying to replace him.”

I kiss the top of her head. “Of course you can.” Grabbing her hands, I give them a squeeze. “I want you to move back in with me. Austin is still missing, and you can’t stay there, especially now.” She opens her mouth and I know it’s to argue, but I hold up my hand. “No baby. I can’t, in good conscience, let you stay at your house all alone. This is the one thing I can’t give on. Please don’t ask me to, not now.”

“Okay, you’re right. It’s not safe with him still out there.” She rubs a hand over her lower abdomen, and I reach down, covering her hand with mine. Removing her hand from her stomach, she surprises me when she wraps her arms around my waist.

Brooke’s ear is pressed to my chest. Can she hear the way my heart pounds in my chest? I lean down and kiss the top of her head. “Come on, let’s go pack you up. I’ll see if Derrick can help. He’ll keep his mouth shut about stuff.”

“Okay, thanks.” Her hand slips into mine and we walk to her car. “For now, I’ll just grab enough clothes for a couple of weeks, shoes, and my toiletries.”

I open her door for her. “Okay, start getting it together and we’ll be right behind you.”

Brooke pushes up on her toes, leaning in, kissing me softly on the lips. “Okay, thank you.”

Once she pulls out of the parking lot, I approach Derrick. “I need your help.”

“Sure, what’s up?” He follows me into the back.

“Brooke is moving back in.” His eyes widen. “I told her we could help move her stuff back to my place. I told her you wouldn’t say anything.”

“Brother, I’ve got your back and I’ve got hers. Whatever you need, I’m there.” We share a back-slapping hug and then we head to Brooke’s.

Chapter Fifteen


I roll over or try to roll over but quickly realize that Tripp is in bed with me. He’s snuggled into my side with his skinny little arm wrapped around my waist. Smiling, I think about his excited squeal when he came into the house to find me in the middle of the living room earlier.

On quick feet, he ran toward me, wrapping his arms around me. He arched his back and smiled up at me. “You’re back.”

I stroked a hand over his head. “I am, sweetheart.” He helped me unpack and stayed glued to my side the whole night.

Apparently, that meant sleeping with me. I grab my phone and see it’s only a few minutes before my alarm goes off and decide to go ahead and get out of bed. On silent feet, I head across the hall to the bathroom.

Once I’m finished, I head into the kitchen and boil some water for some tea. I already miss coffee, but tea is safer, and it also helps my stomach. While I wait for the water, I pop a piece of bread into the toaster.

It’s done first, and I slather a little butter on it. I’m taking my first bite when the kettle starts to whistle. My tea in hand, I take a seat at the breakfast bar.

Once it’s steeped but before I can take a sip, two arms wrap around me from behind.

“Good morning,” Hank says as he kisses me behind my ear.

God, he remembers that the spot is a major erogenous zone for me. I close my eyes and hum softly. “Morning.”

He chuckles and I shoot him a look. Brushing my hair back before scanning my face, he smiles softly. “How are you feeling?”

Hank has the ability to make my nipples harden and my panties wet. He always has. “I’m good so far. Tripp’s in my bed,” I tell him.

“I saw that. I noticed your door open and peeked inside.” He places his lips against my forehead. “For so long, I accepted that I was lost to you. That I’d never have this again with you.” Hank tips my head back, looking me right in the eye. “I will never,neverhurt you like I did,everagain.”

Maybe I’m foolish, but maybe I’m not because I do believe him. Tears blur my vision and I grab his face, pulling it down to mine. The kiss starts slow, but then Hank is taking control. Forcing my lips open, his tongue tangles with mine.

He’s always been such a good kisser. As teenagers, we kissed all the time, and together we got really good at it. I wrap my legs around his hips and he reaches down, so he’s palming each ass cheek, lifting me as he grinds his cock against my pussy.