Page 18 of A Million Pieces

“What? You’re insane.” I’m proud of my fake bravado. “You attacked me, you hurt me, and you fucking cheated on me.” I spot my phone; can I get to it before he gets to me?

“Baby, I am so sorry. You just made me so mad.”

I keep my eyes on him as I take slow steps around the table, but he does the same. “That’s bullshit,” I hiss. “I dumped your ass, and you couldn’t handle it. You said you loved me, but you showed it by beating me unconscious?”

He gets close and I take a good look at him. He’s thinner than the last time I saw him. His normally styled hair is disheveled and dirty looking. “I admit it. I lost control, but I love you so much, baby.”

I shake my head. “Get out or I’ll call the police.” The trembling begins, but I try to hide it. I don’t want him to have the satisfaction knowing that he has that effect on me.

The sound of a motorcycle stopping in front of my rental has me sighing in relief.

Austin blanches, but before he leaves, he moves fast. He wraps his hand around my throat, slamming me into the wall. “You better tell him to back off or you’ll be sorry.”

There’s a knock on my front door. He lets go of me and in a flash, he’s gone. The knocking starts again, and I quickly run to the door. I peek out and let out a sigh of relief when I see that it is Hank. Flinging open the door, I throw myself into his arms.

“Hey, what’s wrong?” Only when his arms wrap around me do I stop trembling. “Baby, what is it?”

“A-Austin was j-just here.” I then begin to cry.

The anger comes off him in waves. He pulls back. “What the fuck,” Hank whispers, or it sounds more like a growl. “Are you okay? How’d he get in here?” he asks, looking me over.

“I-I was grading schoolwork. I heard a knock at the back door. I got up and looked out the window and didn’t see anyone. When I turned around, he was there. He told me to tell you to stop looking for him or I’ll be sorry. He says he wants his life back.” I shake my head. “I don’t know how he got in or out.”

Hank wraps me in his arms again, hugging me tight. “I won’t stop hunting his ass down and give him the beat down that’s coming to him.”

I know he’s telling the truth from the conviction in his voice, and that’s what I tell him.

“You need to stay with either me or my folks. This place is obviously not safe.” He steps back and looks around. “Please pack a bag and let us keep you safe.”

I chew on my bottom lip. I don’t want to be a burden to Judy and Mick, but can I really stay with Hank and Tripp? “I don’t think it’s safe for me to be around your boy. What if Austin comes after me again?” I shake my head as nausea pools in my belly. “I’d never forgive myself if something happened to him.”

“He’s not getting anywhere near you, my house, or my son. My place has top-notch security.” He steps closer to me. “I promise you, you’re safe with me.” It feels like he is talking about being safe in more ways than one.

Could I really be around Hank every day? Could I be around Tripp? If I stayed with Judy and Mick, I’d still be around both Hank and Tripp. I sigh, “Fine, but it’s temporary until I can come up with other arrangements.”

“Okay, pack a bag with everything you need for now. We can always come back and get more later.”

I shake my head as I walk toward my bedroom. “God, you’re bossy.” His deep laugh follows me down the hall. This could possibly be the stupidest thing I’ve ever done, but it’s only temporary…hopefully.

Chapter Twelve


I strip out of my coveralls and throw them in the laundry. We’ve been so busy at the shop lately I’ve been working late every night. After the first couple of days, Brooke told me she’d pick Tripp up from my parents’ house, making it one less thing I’d need to do.

I refrained from letting her see how happy that made me because I was afraid she wouldn’t do it again if she knew how good that made me feel, knowing my son was with her.

It’s been a week since Brooke has temporarily moved in with us and it has been better than I could ever imagine. Tripp has soaked up every bit of attention that she’s given him.

The second night she was here, she brought home workbooks for him to work on his letters and numbers. I watch them every night after dinner as they sit at the kitchen table, and she works with him.

Thereisalways this ever-present ache in my chest though, because Gage didn’t get that from his mom, and then there is Tripp who never got anything from his—I don’t ever call her his mom, because she’s never been a mother to him—he just knows he doesn’t have one.

Maybe it is wrong, but why confuse him? She signed away her rights not long after she took off. Of course, my biggest fear is that she shows back up and demands access to my boy or wants custody of him.

Derrick steps into the locker room while I’m scrubbing the oil and dirt from my hands. “What’s up, bro.” He slaps me on the back as he passes by to strip out of his own coveralls. “Do you want to get a beer?”

“I would, man, but I’ve been working late every night. Why don’t you come over? Brooke would love to see you and she makes enough food for a small army.” He gives me a questioning look. “Don’t start with me.”