Page 19 of A Million Pieces

He holds up his hands in surrender. “I wasn’t going to say anything, but yeah, I’d love to see my little dude and Brookie.” Derrick’s been wise to my plans, but he knows to just drop it. If this is my chance to win her back, how can I not take it?

We head outside and climb on our bikes. I shoot Brooke a quick text.

Hank: Hey Derrick’s coming over, I hope there is enough food.

The dots start bouncing.

Brooke: Of course, but Tripp and I decided we wanted pizza. I hope that’s okay.

I quickly type out a response.

Hank: Works for me. See you soon.

I look up and find Derrick staring at me. “What?”

“I hope you know what you’re doing.” He shakes his head. “If you fuck this up, you’ll lose her forever. What do you think that’ll do to Tripp to become attached to her, probably fall in love with her and her him—for it to end in a way they lose each other.”

My stomach sinks and my heart pounds as I think about his words. I know there’s a chance I could screw this up, but this is my chance to get my wife back and I have to take it. “I won’t fuck this up. I can’t.”

“Man, I didn’t mean to imply that you were gonna fuck it up. I love you guys, and nothing would make me happier than if you two got back together. You belong together. Now should we stop gossiping, go eat some pizza, and drink some beer?” He throws his riding glasses on, and I do the same while laughing.

I flip him the bird and we take off.

Once we’re back at my place, we pull into the driveway. The moment we step inside, my boy comes running out to the living room. “Daddy, you’re home.” He jumps into my arms. I hug him tight and then he launches himself at Derrick. “Uncle D! Did you come to see me?”

“Of course I did, little man.” Derrick gives him a hug and then sets him down before rushing toward Brooke when she steps out of the kitchen. “Hey beautiful.” He lifts her into a bear hug, causing her to squeal.

Brooke kisses his cheek before he sets her down. “It is so good to see you.” She turns to look at me. “Hi, how was your day?”

I come toward her and don’t miss the way Brooke’s cheeks turn pink. “It was good.” Without thinking, I lean down, kissing her softly on the lips.

She widens her eyes and then mouths “don’t” before stomping down the hallway to her bedroom, slamming the door behind her.

Derrick shakes his head, chuckling. “I think you’re in trouble.”

“Daddy’s in trouble,” Tripp singsongs as he runs down the hall toward Brooke’s room.

I watch as he knocks on her door and then disappears inside.

“They seem to be getting along well.” Derrick follows me into the kitchen, and I grab us a couple of beers.

I nod. “He’s crazy about her.” We step out onto the back deck. “Enough about me. What’s been going on with you?”

“Same old shit, different day. I love the bitches and the bitches love me.” He takes a drink of his beer and gives me a smirk.

“Don’t let Brooke hear you call women bitches. She’ll beat your ass,” I say with a laugh. When we were younger, every time Derrick would call girls bitches or hoes, Brooke always slapped him in the back of the head. She was the only person who could get away with that.

“Your darn right I will.” Brooke pokes her head out of the french doors. “Pizza’s here.” She holds her two fingers up and points them at Derrick, then back at herself, like she’s saying she’s watching him.

We stand up and head inside.


I wrap my hand around my cock, pumping it twice. In my mind’s eye, I imagine that Brooke’s lips are wrapped around my length. I stroke myself, picturing her climbing up my body, and then sinking down on my dick.

She’d ride me slow, her head thrown back as she moaned my name. I can feel her spasming around my cock, soaking me with her arousal.

In an embarrassingly quick amount of time, I come, blowing cum all over my stomach, with Brooke’s name on my lips. I climb out ofbed and grab a T-shirt out of my hamper, using it to wipe myself off.