Page 21 of Vicious Liar

Now that is hilarious. Ava is anything but nice. She’s just better at hiding it than me. I don’t give a fuck who likes me. Once I have all my things, I move in front of her. “I really do feel sorry for you. You’re the only person I know who’s happy being the generic version of me.”

Before I step around her, I wait to watch the hurt rise on her expression. And it does. So, I head to the door, and she keeps grumbling. “I am better than you.”

I make sure to meet her eye when I respond. “Everyone seems to think different. Even your date… not to mention the entire student body who voted me homecoming queen.” I tilt my head to the side a bit as I consider the question myself. “I mean, even with me being such a bitch, they’d still prefer me over you. Why do think that is?”

No response. She only stands there crying. Her weakness on full display. She should’ve never shown me what it is. Because now it’s too easy.

And that’s why I fight so hard to make sure they’ll never see mine.



Well, this evening isn’t going as I’d imagined. It’s way too calm. There’s obviously something going on. Savannah and Neil are smiling, but it hasn’t escaped me that she’s avoiding Ava, who’s been off to the side of everything, not speaking to anyone. Even when we were in the Quarters for supper, which went off without a hitch. I guess I expected fire or something… and not just from the chef’s grill.

Morgan’s dancing in the center of the floor, not a care in the world. Or at least not showing one. Even when the music slows, she keeps a smile on her face and begins to walk off the floor. When I stop in front of her and hold my hand out, she rolls her eyes.

“One dance. Doesn’t mean anything. At least it shouldn’t.” I make a small attempt at some reverse psychology because I know her well enough to know she’s avoiding me when she doesn’t avoid anything. This is the girl who runs screaming and fighting into the battle even if she isn’t sure she can win. Though she always does. Because she doesn’t know how to lose.

Giving in to me, she turns and walks back to the dance floor, though she ignores my outstretched hand. I’m in front of her when I slide my hand over her hip and move it to her lower back, pulling her flush against me. She already knows it, but I tell her anyway, “You look beautiful.”

“Smooth, Crawford. Real smooth.” She bats her eyelashes at me. “Are you going to make some bullshit promise to me now and kiss me so I can feel all safe in your arms?”

“No. But I wouldn’t mind the kissing part.”

She leans forward, her lips almost to mine as her hands tighten on my shoulders. “I would.” I think she’s going to push me away but instead her arms loop around my neck as she relaxes against me. And I take the moment to tuck my face against her neck and just breathe her in. If only for a few seconds, I pretend she’s not going to make me suffer and push me away. Or worse, just finally officially be done with me.

“I missed you.”

“That makes one of us. Shut up and dance. That’s all this is.” We both know nothing is ever that simple between us. It can’t be. I hear Morgan snicker and then say, “Ah, the happy couple isn’t having a good time.”

It doesn’t take but a few seconds to spot what she finds so amusing. Lenny and Ava appear to be in a pretty heated argument. A few of the teachers, including my brother, walk over and try to diffuse the situation. Ava continues yelling at Lenny, who has a drunken, lazy I-don’t-give-a-fuck expression on his face. They’d started drinking long before we got here. I opted to stay sober because my mind is jacked up enough without a liquid influence.

Ava finally stops yelling at Lenny and heads in our direction. “I need to talk to you,” she tells Morgan.

“Nah. I’m busy dancing with my date.” Morgan rests her head against my chest. “Where’s yours at?”

The temper tantrum continues as Ava marches off. And I actually feel bad for her. I know how it feels to be on Morgan’s receiving end. “What’d you do this time?”

“Always my fault,” she mutters, her body staying relaxed against me.

“Usually is.” Though it’s the truth, I drop it. As soon as the ballad ends and switches to an upbeat song, she pulls away from me without a word and leaves me standing there like a clueless sucker as she starts dancing with everyone around us.

I take the moment to exit the dance floor and make my way to where Neil is taking a seat at a table alone, one of the first moments Savannah hasn’t been attached to him.

“Having fun?” he asks with a beaming smile that tells me he is.

I spare him the fact that I’d rather be either back with Morgan’s body against mine and just respond, “Yes. How about you?” I motion to where Savannah is coming back from the restrooms. “Everything good with y’all?”

“Yes, perfect.” The way his cheeks redden, I know there’s a lot behind that, but I don’t ask details because she’s in her chair, chatting away. It’s easy to see why he likes her and why they are perfect for each other.

“Mind if I join y’all?” Dustin sits in the chair beside me.

Neil takes a friendly jab at him. “No, we can’t be seen with an old teacher dude. Get lost.”

Dustin knows Neil well enough to know it’s a joke, which he responds to it with a huff as he shakes his head. “I hated these things in high school, and now they’re even worse as an adult.”

“Thanks for the encouragement.” Neil gives him a fist bump as he finishes the sarcastic phrase.