Page 20 of Vicious Liar

“Mind your business, Ryder.” I tell him and take a sip of the coffee that the waiter places in front of me as he asks Cade if he’d like to order. He asks for just a coffee then sits next to Neil.

I consider making a jab at him by offering to cover his meal so he doesn’t have to be broke and hungry, but instead, I join the conversation with Ava and Savannah about whose room we’re getting dressed in. Ava insists on it being in hers, and I’m good with it. I don’t want her in my space anyway. She’d probably drip some of her desperation all over the place. Can’t have that. Once I was able to fall asleep last night, I slept better than I do in my own bed. Surely don’t want her to disrupt that for tonight.

Throughout the meal, I feel Cade’s eyes on me, and every time I look to him, he makes no effort to hide where his focus is. But I don’t let it get to me and keep conversing and enjoying my breakfast. Nothing’s changed. Maybe I shouldn’t have told him about the pregnancy. He’d better not hold it against me or pity me. I’d wanted him to leave, but unfortunately, I think it’s only made him clingier because as we all head back upstairs, he moves next to me in the elevator. He waits until we’re in front of my door before his hand gently grasps my elbow.

“Morgan, I—”

He stops talking when I look from his face to where his fingers are around my arm. If he apologizes one more time, I’m going to punch him in the dick. I pull away from him. “Buh-bye.”

“Are you really going to pretend that everything is fine? That everything is normal.”

Wow. Okay. I push the door open then step through the doorway, leaning my back against it as I tell him, “Everything is normal. Same bullshit. Different day. Nothing’s changed. The only thing different is I burst your littlewoe is me, my mommy left me brokenhearted and I’m the only one who was sufferingbubble.”

“What if—” He takes a step forward. “What if I wouldn’t have left? Would you have made a different choice?”

Motherfucker. “Doesn’t matter because there is no what ifs worth entertaining. But one thing I will tell you, I don’t regret the decision I made. And you shouldn’t either. We both would’ve made shitty parents at fifteen.”

Breaking eye contact, I repeat it to myself.I don’t regret my decision. Everything happens for a reason. I just don’t understand why the universe had to bring him back into my orbit. Or why I have the self-destructing need to keep him in it as long as possible even if it is only to make him suffer. But here we are.

After shutting the door in his face, I grab my dress and makeup then head to Ava’s room. The door opens to a smiling Savannah who moves back to the mirror where she continues applying her makeup. Ava emerges from the bathroom, a towel around her as she drops on the side of the bed and begins rubbing lotion on her legs. “I’m so happy we can do this senior year.”

“Yay,” I say sarcastically and start digging through my bag.

“Can you fix my hair, Savannah? You do such a great job at it.” Ava makes me want to vomit. Anything to not do something for herself.

Once Ava is seated in a chair and Savannah is getting started on her hair, Ava gives me a pouting face. “Cheer up, Morgan. It’ll be fun.”

“Yes, it will be,” Savannah chimes in.

“It’s just a shame you couldn’t find a date. But don’t worry, we’re here for you.” Ava motions between her and Savannah who doesn’t seem as on board with this topic.

“There’s a difference between nothavinga date and notwantinga date.”

“It’s okay.” She gives me a pitying look. “I know there’s a lot going on with you and Cade. I’m sure he’ll come around.”

She has no idea what she’s talking about, but I know what she’s trying to do. And unlike her desperate, needy ass, I don’t need a guy adhered to my side for validation. And instead of going back and forth with the petty jabs, I decide to go in for the kill.

“You’re right. I really should have a date for tonight.” Standing, I walk over to the adjoining door that’s Zulich’s room. And when I spot Lenny, I say, “I don’t have a date for tonight.”

He moves to the doorway and takes a look at the three of us before announcing, “Don’t worry. I got ya. I’ll be your date.”

“Oh, really?” Ava stands from the chair and moves in front of Lenny. “Kinda difficult since you already have one.”

“Don’t fret, babe. I’m enough for two ladies.” Lenny turns his sleazy stare to Savannah. “I can even handle all three if you want to dump Roach Boy.”

Savannah flings the hairbrush on the dresser. “I told you I wasn’t doing this if he was going to be an asshole.” She looks to Lenny. “You’re fucking disgusting. I’d rather go to the dance with an actual roach than your revolting ass.”

Damn. My girl has a fire lit under her I’ve never seen. So, I stand by and watch as she turns back to Ava. “You picked him. And as long as he’s around. I won’t be.” Savannah stomps around the room, grabbing all her things.

Lenny obviously doesn’t get the hint, but I appreciate his further dig at Ava’s expense as he tells me, “Well, I’m still available for two if you need me.”

He grabs at Ava’s half-done hair and gives it a playful tug before walking back into Zulich’s room. She turns to me but remains silent. I notice she’s crying again. Out of all the motherfuckers to cry over, Lenny is not the one.

“This is all your fault, Morgan. Now my actual friend hates me because of you.”

“Sure, Ava. It’s all my fault.” I laugh and grab my things so I can go get dressed in my own room.

“It is. And one day they’ll get enough of dealing with you and realize I’m the better choice. Because I’m just like you except I’m actually a nice person.”