My phone buzzed, and I hurriedly rinsed the soap off my knees. I didn’t have to look at it to know it was one of the physical therapists calling. Miss a few days, and they acted as if I had been gone for months.

After a quick rummage through the small first aid kit, I poured some peroxide on the wounds and loosely wrapped them up. Even the bandages touching them burned like a bitch.

I pushed past the pain and grabbed my pants. On the count of three, I yanked them up and bit down on my tongue to keep from shouting as they slid over my knees.

Today would be a long fucking day. I snatched up my wallet and bag. There was nothing important in it, but it made me blend in. The gym was at least a ten-minute walk across campus. Leyton’s hoodie called to me, and I snatched it up. I pressed it to my face and groaned. His scent was disappearing, but there was still enough that it had my body reacting with want. My legs threatened to cave from under me. It had little to do with my aching feet and injured knees.

I stepped outside and instantly wanted to turn around and go back to sleep. The Arizona sun was bright and beating down on me without restraint. Sweat beaded my brow, and I hastily swiped at it as I headed toward the gym.

Beige brick came into view, and I sighed in relief as I forced my body to keep moving. The world was steadily moving, rocking me back and forth as if I were on a ship. My toes were numb, and my knees were on fire.

“Mr. Huffman.”

Someone grabbed my shoulder, and I twisted around in annoyance. Coach Bunsen glared down at me. I wanted to flip him off and go into the small corner office room I shared with other practicing physical therapists and rest.

My body screamed in agony, and I mentally chastised myself. I should have stayed in bed. Or at least grabbed more of the pain pills. They were barely working, or was I in that much pain?

“Did you not hear me call you?”

Right, the fake name I went under. I was so preoccupied with staying upright I’d blocked out everything around me.

“Uh, I’ve been a little busy.”

“So, I’ve seen. My office now.” He jerked his bald head toward the building.

Was it too much to ask to be left alone for a bit? I followed behind him, making my walk as normal as I could. There wasn’t a leg I could favor; both throbbed in pain.

His office was small. A huge black desk took up most of the space in the middle. He had an array of photos on his walls, most of them being past students and some current ones. A couple of certificates I didn’t read and a bookcase in the right-hand corner stood behind him. A fine layer of dust rested on them.

Coach Bunsen took a seat and pointed to the chair across from him. I refrained from sitting down. I knew the moment I did, my body wouldn’t be able to move any time soon. And if the reason he dragged me into his office were for what I thought it was, I’d be leaving out the way I’d come.

He cleared his throat and logged onto his computer. “I’m a lenient man. I work with all sorts of people, and I understand being young and at the height of your youth.”

What the hell is he going on about? This is definitely about the video the guys took.I hadn’t seen it on any social media yet, but I hadn’t looked all that hard, either. I mostly rested after that two-day track. I was certain the guys had spread it around by now.

If he intended to reprimand me, he needed to get on with it. Not talking about partying and responsibility.

I cleared my throat, interrupting his long as fuck lecture. He shut his mouth. I had no idea what he saw on my face, but he thankfully moved on.

“You missed the big fight yesterday.”

“Foxyn doesn’t have a fight for another month.”

I mentally checked before grabbing my phone and looking over the schedule I kept of all the guys’ important tasks. Theon’s games, scrimmages, and early practices were in there. Foxyn’s fights and practice were scheduled, along with his current mobility workout. Theon’s schedule was a bit more detailed based on teachers, test schedules, and projects. Midterms were coming up, and he’d be swamped with studying. Unlike the other two who coasted, Leyton tended to study until he dropped.

Coach Bunsen bristled as he slammed his heavy hand on the desk.

I put my phone away, relieved I hadn’t missed Foxyn’s fight.Shit, he nearly gave me a heart attack for some nobody.

“There are more fighters here than Foxyn Adams, and quite frankly, it is unprofessional for you to favor one student over another. We as...”

I tuned the rest of his bullshit out. Why hadn’t the guys shared the video? Were they planning on showing it later or holding it over my head? It wasn’t their normal MO.

“Are you even listening, Huffman?”

Not really, no.The door to his office opened, and I was saved by Dr. Lepo. “Sorry, coach, but I need you. Granger’s hand might be worse off than we thought. We may have to cancel his fight.”

“Shit.” Coach Bunsen shoved his chair back.