The overhead light glinted off his bald head. He stopped short of leaving.

“Get it together. There are plenty of trainees that want in. I suggest you do less focusing on Foxyn Adams and more on your job.”

I rolled my eyes and followed them out. They went to Dr. Lepo’s office, and I made a beeline for the room I used. The moment I passed the threshold, my knees buckled, and I went down. Renewed pain shot through my knees when they crashed into the ground, and I exhaled a cry.

Spots danced in my vision.


The voice sounded distanced and muffled. Shaking my head was a no-go. Moving felt nearly impossible. I attempted to blink away the growing haze.

“Don’t fucking touch him.”

There was a crash, and I fought to see what was happening. I’d know that angry voice anywhere. Foxyn was there.Is he fighting?The world around me went dark.

* * *

My eyelids felt heavy, but I knew I could hear them.My guys.

“Where the fuck did you find him?” Leyton asked.

“He was passed out on the floor,” Foxyn growled. “Fuck, what the hell is wrong with him?”

Rough fingers pushed through my hair, and I chased after the touch. I needed more. My lips parted, but all I could muster was a cry as one of them touched my knees. They hurt like a bitch.

“Shut up,” Foxyn growled. The fingers in my hair curled and tightened.

I opened my eyes and blinked, trying to claw my way past the fog. Cobalt blue eyes glared down at me.

“You’re an idiot. Why didn’t you go to the hospital?” Foxyn asked.

For what?The pain in my knees radiated up my legs, and I remembered exactly why I should have dragged my ass to a hospital. I was pretty fucking certain I would lose my legs to a few little cuts.

I tried to talk, but white-hot pain dragged a shout out instead. I aimlessly reached out my hands, waving them in front of me. Foxyn grabbed one and Theon the other.

“Hold him down,” Leyton commanded.

I didn’t get a chance to ask why as more pain assaulted me. My vision went white, and everything fell away. Someone was screaming in Spanish so fast I couldn’t catch a single word.


The pain was quickly becoming all I knew. I tried to call for one of the guys as the shouting turned louder before it tapered off. Everything around me felt muffled. I couldn’t even feel Foxyn or Theon’s hand in mine. I longed for their touch. I didn’t want to be alone anymore.

I need them.



The hospital was my least favorite place. However, the idea of Ramsey in there had me ignoring my discomfort. It was weird. Out of all the people I’d fucked, Ramsey had to be the one who dug under my skin. Then again, when we were kids, he’d gotten to us. He was the one kid we continued to bully. Looking back, I knew there must have been a draw to him then too.

I snickered. Ramsey was the unluckiest bastard I knew. Then again, he didn’t seem too upset that he had our unwavering attention, even if that attention came with cruel intentions.

Room 225 came into view, and I picked up the pace. I didn’t bother knocking. Only the guys and I stopped by. Just like in high school, Ramsey was all alone. No one went near him then, and no one was around him now.

“He wake up yet?” I asked.

Leyton lifted his head and pinched the bridge of his nose. “Not yet. Doc said he should be waking up today or tomorrow. The infection is gone.” He shut the huge fucking textbook and dropped it in his backpack.