Page 77 of Beautiful Devil

“Not being able to leave here right now, or being able to see Elle. I can tell you miss her a lot.”

“I do,” I tell him sincerely and let out an exasperated breath. “You didn’t have to do all this, you know…”

“I wanted to impress my new wife.”

I start to laugh, but quickly stop when I see he moves a little closer with a serious look on his face.

“I’m not laughing,gattina. I meant what I said earlier. I want you to feel like you're at home here. I want you to like it here. And, hell, maybe I even want you to like me just a little too.”

Before I can respond to his revelation, Fabi throws himself on top of me, his lips devouring mine, and I’m far from mad about it. This is a new side to him that I haven’t seen before, and it’s surprised me beyond all belief. He couldn’t be further from the man I first met.

I open my mouth and allow him to deepen our kiss, Fabi begins drawing me closer to him so that I’m hovering above him. He hands me with his good hand and takes every ounce that he can from our kiss. Butterflies flutter in my stomach and a surge of wetness develops between my thighs.

Making my situation only worse, I feel Fabi grind his rock-hard cock up against my now-soaking wet pussy through my dress. He begins to pull back, and I groan at the loss of his lips on mine.

“Gattina,we need to stop before I fuck you right here under this oak tree. I don't want to lose half of my men.”

I stare down at him baffled by his words.

“I told you before,gattina, you'remine. And Iwillkill anyone who looks at what's mine.”

I lower my head, focused on his lips. I feel like a horny teenager making out in the park with her crush. Feeling how wet I am, I wouldn’t last two minutes with his cock inside me, and at the thought of it, I let out another moan. Showing he must be feeling something similar, he once again grinds his cock up against my center. Inside, I’m crying out for him to take me here. I don’t give a fuck who sees, I just know I need his cock, and I need it soon. We pull apart once again, panting like animals.

“I need you, Fabi,” I tell him as I run my hand up and down the side of his face, tracing his beard.

“I know,gattina,and I hope you know how much I need you too.”

He places a lingering kiss on my lips and then nudges me slightly to stand up. Readjusting his pants, he’s trying to at least somewhat hide his raging hard-on. He takes my hand and, without warning, throws me over his shoulder.

Totally caught off guard, and a little tipsy, I start to giggle. “Fabi, put me down, you’re going to hurt yourself.”

He slaps my ass hard, but not hard enough to leave a mark. A little yelp comes out in surprise.

“Hush,gattina. I’m fine.”

I have the perfect view of his ass right now, and boy, is it a mighty fine view. I’m so mesmerized by it that I don’t register the feeling of the cool air on my ass cheeks. My dress must have risen up when he threw me over his shoulder. I try to move to pull it back down but all that does is make his grip that he has on the back of my thighs even tighter. Trying again and getting nowhere, I start to tell him when he interrupts me.

“Fabi, my—”

“Stop moving,gattina. We're almost there.”

Lifting my head up, I can see we're just about to reach the back of the house, where I know two of his men are standing guard by the door. Fabi said he wouldn’t fuck me out here because he didn’t want to kill half of his men for seeing me naked. Would he really kill his men for seeing my bare ass? Something tells me that he would.


I start to panic and move around some more, causing the dress to ride up even further. I can feel the cold air on my ass and clit, and now part of my back. Of course this had to be the time I chosenotto wear underwear.

Shifting again, I try to move my arms to pull my dress down, but I can’t reach. We're just about to come up on his men, and they're about to get an eyeful of my nether regions.

“Fabi, stop!” I screech.

He must hear the panic in my voice, because he does. And it’s at that exact moment that I make eye contact with one of his guards.

Praying they don’t move from my face, keeping eye contact with his men, I say to Fabi, “Put me down, now!”

He growls, and I can hear the disapproval in his voice when he talks through what I’m assuming is clenched teeth. “Gattina, I will not tell you again. We’re almost there.”

I’m so frustrated that I can’t hold it in anymore. I scream at him while still making eye contact with the guard who has thankfully not looked at my exposed ass and lady bits. It’s a miracle, really. I blame the loss of blood from being held upside down like a bat for so long for the words I say next, but it’s the only way I could think of for him to listen to me.