Get a grip, Gia. Tone it down,I scold myself.
“Dio mio, Gia, you look breathtaking,” Fabi says as he leans down and grazes my cheek with a soft, tender kiss and slips his hand into mine.
He really isn’t helping matters for me right now. Exiting the front door, we head toward the back of the house and down to the garden.
“Thank you. You look very handsome tonight.”
“Grazie, dolcezza. How was your day?”
“Ugh, I was so busy, I swear. I never stopped all day,” I reply as we walk hand in hand through the garden.
He looks down at me as we both laugh at my sarcastic reply. “I’m sorry it’s like this dolcezza. Trust me, I want to catch whoever is responsible.”
“So, you're still no closer to finding them?”
“No, I never said that. We’re pretty sure we know who it was. We just have to catch them in something rather than start an all-out war with just accusations.”
Not allowing me any more questions on the subject, Fabi quickly changes the conversation.
“If there’s anything you don’t like, we can have it sent back if you want?”
I look down at our joined hands and see his thumb slowly moving back and forth over my knuckles as we walk through the garden.
“No, they’re perfect. You didn't have to buy me all those clothes, Fabi.”
“Well, it's not exactly like you went all out on your last shopping trip now did you? I want you to be comfortable when you’re here. I want you to feel like you're at home.”
Just as he finishes talking, I notice we’ve come to a huge old oak tree that sits in the middle of the garden. From this angle, I see something over by the tree and I stop. Panic shoots through me that someone is there waiting behind the tree, when I pull on Fabi’s hand.
“What wrong?”
“What's that over by the tree?”
A broad smile spreads across his face, and he starts to tug my hand toward the tree and increases his pace a little as we start walking again.
When we get to the old oak tree, I see a blanket laid out on the ground. A bottle of champagne, two champagne flutes, and a charcuterie board covered in crackers, meats, cheeses, and some chocolate-covered strawberries.
“What the…?”
“I want you to know that I’m not stopping you from leaving the compound to keep you from your friends or family. I’m doing this for your safety, Gia. I don't want to risk you leaving and something happening. I won't let that happen, not on my watch.”
I don't know if there’s something in the air or what's going on with me, but before I register what it is I’m doing, I lean up and press a gentle kiss to his cheek before sitting down on the blanket. Fabi joins me and then pops open the bottle of champagne before he begins to fill the glasses.
“To my wife,” he says, handing me a flute before clinking his glass with mine, taking a sip and then tucking into the beautiful spread of food before us.
* * *
We’re on our third glass of champagne – and man, is this stuff good. It's making me feel light, airy and very giggly. The conversations have been flowing; however, there’s been one burning question that I haven’t been able to get out of my mind.
“How did you know peonies were my favorite flowers?”
“I’m the Don of the Italian mafia,gattina. I can find out anything about anyone.”
A blush heats up my face as I take another mouthful of my drink.
“I wanted to make it up to you.”
“Makewhatup to me?”