Page 3 of Beautiful Devil

How could he have done this? I might not be his jury, but it’s clear that he’s guilty. The proof presented in the media from the trial was overwhelming.

I was advised not to come today, but I felt that I had to. The evidence has now been concluded, with each of the party’s counsel having made their closing submissions yesterday afternoon. The jury had deliberated for twelve hours before I was informed by my lawyer that they’d reached their verdict. I needed to be here to witness the man I once loved be sentenced for crimes I still can’t believe he committed.

I needed closure.

I sense that we're about to start as more people trickle through the doors. I look behind me and see camera crews line the back wall, where flashes and low mumblings can be heard as the press talk quietly amongst one another, as do the lawyers up front. I hold Elle’s hand in a death grip as the side door opens and Gallo walks out, being escorted by two police officers. He stops to the side of the counsel table where his lawyer sits, as the officer to his left unlocks his handcuffs and removes them from his wrists.

As he takes a seat next to his lawyer, I take in his appearance. His once perfectly-styled blonde hair is now long and unruly as it falls low on his forehead, almost covering his eyes. He’s dressed in a dark gray suit that hangs from his body, whereas it had once fit him...evidence that he’s lost some weight.Although his head is bowed as he listens to what his attorney has to say, I notice that not only does his complexion look more pale than usual, but he is also sporting a black eye. The Gallo that I once knew and loved never believed in violence or fighting as a means of solving problems, but it’s clear that this man sitting mere feet away from me is no longer the same person I married.

He hasn’t lifted his head once to look in my direction, but then again, I don’t really expect him to. Initially, I tried reaching out to him so we could talk about all of this, what happened, what our next steps were...but he kept refusing to talk to me or see me when I came to visit, so I stopped going altogether. Deep down, I knew the day he was arrested that things were over between us.

Hell, even before his arrest.

He’d been different, shut me out and started treating me more like the hired help than his wife and someone he’d promised to love. So eventually, I accepted this was my reality and I gave up trying.

Why fight for a man who clearly didn’t love me?

The jury follows soon after, entering the courtroom and take their assigned seats in the jury box.

While I wallow in the past, silently mourning my relationship with Gallo, I hear the bailiff loudly say, “All rise,” effectively silencing the room as the chamber door opens and Judge Lawson walks out, making her way to her bench. Once Judge Lawson takes her seat, we all follow suit, waiting for her to commence. The only sound in the otherwise-silent space is the constant shuffling of papers and the click of the cameras from the back.

I must have zoned out, because the next thing I know, Elle is nudging me in the side. “This is it.”

Shaking my head and clearing my vision, I watch and listen intently as my ex-husband stands, awaiting his fate as the judge gets ready to read off the list of offenses. Needing all the support I can get right now, I reach for Elle’s hand when Gallo turns his head in my direction, locking eyes with me and noticing me for the first time since I got here. His face hardens as he glowers at me before turning back around in the direction of the judge.

I must have tensed up, because Elle uses her free hand covering our joined ones and begins to rub it soothingly back and forth. As Judge Lawson begins to speak, I'm still in disbelief that this is my life.

“For the count of money laundering, how does the jury find the defendant?”

The spokesperson for the jury stands, looking at the judge as he says, "For the count of money laundering, the jury has found the defendant to be guilty."

"For the count of tax evasion, how does the jury find the defendant?"

Remaining in a standing position, the juror confirms their final verdict. "We find the defendant guilty, your Honor."

He’s guilty.

On all counts.

The judge turns her page before continuing and addresses the jury. "This honorable court thanks you for your service for the duration of the trial." Looking directly at Gallo now, she continues. "Mr D’Amato, for the count of embezzlement, you are hereby sentenced to twenty years in a federal state penitentiary and five hundred thousand dollars restitution.”

I squeeze Elle’s hand tighter, and I wait on the edge of my seat for Judge Lawson to finish her sentencing.

“For the count of tax evasion, I hereby sentence you to three years imprisonment. This sentence will be served consecutively.”

I’m speechless. Almost twenty-five years behind bars.

I don’t have time to process what this all means, because out of nowhere, I hear Gallo’s voice booming across the courtroom. Lifting my head in his direction, he looks downright vile as he spits his words out toward someone I can’t quite make out from where I’m located.

“You son of a bitch! You swore nothing would happen! You told me I’d be okay!”

Completely confused, I turn my attention to Elle, who is sporting the same expression on her face as me. When I look back at Gallo, he starts to go off again, shouting louder than before.

“You fucking asshole. You told me you wouldn’t let this happen if I did what you asked!”

The judge slams her gavel, demanding order in the court, but Gallo ignores her. Two guards stalk toward him and attempt to restrain him with handcuffs while he continues to resist. As he’s being hauled away, he looks directly at me with such a murderous glare that I'm completely startled, snapping back only as I register the flashing of cameras directly behind me.For the first time since exchanging words during his arrest three months ago, he directs his words at me.

“This is all your fault, bitch. This wouldn’t be happening if I’d never met you! I’ll get you back for this, motherfucker. Your day will come!”