I have no idea what’s going on, but he’s made one thing very clear. He blames me for it.
But why?
I don’t have to wonder for very long, as his next words fly out and send a chill down my spine.
“I fucking hate you. This is all because of you and that son-of-a-bitch father of yours.”
What did my father ever do to him?
As those last words leave his mouth, the guards are finally able to drag him through the door and escort him to Old Colony Correctional Facility, his home for the next two decades. Without saying a word, Elle envelops me in her arms, hugging me as tight as she can, shielding me from everyone. It isn’t until now that the dam opens up and I begin to cry silently.
I don’t know how long I sit here in Elle’s embrace, but when I lift my head, I notice the courtroom has emptied out bar a few people. Since the media have all left – no doubt trying to get a glimpse of Gallo as they book him – I dry the last few tears from my face as we stand to leave.
We’re heading toward the exit when a sudden cold chill runs down my spine and the feeling of being watched is so profound that I’m physically unable to take another step.
It’s when I look up that I can finally spot the man Gallo was shouting at. He’s tallish, about the same height as Gallo, wearing a black pinstripe suit that matches his slicked-back salt and pepper hair. This guy reeks of money, just the look of him tells me that he’s loaded, simply in the way he carries himself and commands the room.
I’m met with a pair of beady eyes and a smug smirk when he meets my gaze. This guy instantly gives me a bad feeling...something about his eyes that makes me feel uneasy. I’m starting to feel sick to my stomach and just want to leave.
Tugging on Elle’s hand that’s still firmly in mine, signaling her to move away from this man, I pick up speed and pull her with me to the exit. Before I can reach the doors, the man's voice stops me dead in my tracks.
“See you soon,cara.”
I make the mistake of turning around only to catch what’s left of a shit-eating grin on his face, before I whip back around. Not wanting to stay another second in this godawful courtroom, I plow through the doors, needing to get the hell out of here.
All while thinking,Who’s Cara?
I standin the front doorway of what was going to be our “family” home and take one last look around the now-empty house.
It’s been a little over five months since Gallo’s arrest. I try not to think about that day or the painful memories it brings. But every minute I spend in this house makes it more difficult to forget, seeing as this is where it all went down. Which made my decision to sell an easy one.
Thankfully, the closing date lined up with my move-in date for my apartment, so I didn’t have to worry about crashing with Elle. She’s my best friend and I love her, but four years living together in college was enough.
Thank God for that.
It officially sinks in that I’m saying goodbye to the hopes and dreams I once had, with a man I thought I knew and everything I believed came with it. Although I feel a tightness on my heart for the life we created here, I also feel a sense of relief and a weight lifted off my shoulders.
Turning the lights off, I close the door behind me for the last time and walk down to my car. Sliding into the driver’s seat, I take a minute to collect my thoughts before starting the engine and backing out of the driveway, heading in the direction of my apartment and new life.
Everything is going to be okay.
It has to be.
Ten minutes later, I pull into the parking lot of Joe’s Deli at the same time my stomach grumbles.
Perfect timing.
The smile that had pulled at my mouth as I left my home of five years in the rearview is now set in a scowl and I’m back to fuming.
The person who claimed toloveme andpromisedto spend forever together. He left a storm in his wake, humiliating me in the process, and I was left to build a new life alone.