Originally, finding my mate on Earth seemed inspired. But now, I’m concerned I’ve made a huge error in judgment. Maybe my real mate is on my own home planet. Meanwhile here I sit, wasting time trying to find a match amongst these beings with their strange mating customs.

I continue to sit apart from any of these other unmated males in the audience because I am not good company. My body is heated and in pain and I impatiently wait for the pheromones of the female who will unlock my mating instinct.

The female who will end this torture.

A certain excitement entered my mind when I first diagnosed that my overheated body, aches and pains meant Voltare mating heat had begun.

I was stunned, and then…happy.

Normally this is a welcomed, life-changing event in a Voltare’s lifespan. But at forty-one years old, I’m considered long past the age of mating heat. I thought this was behind me and I’d never have a mate or offspring. And I'd never felt sad or upset that I was unmated. I considered mating a burden others had to deal with, but not me. I’ve been able to live free and plan my life exactly as I please, with many short-term pleasure mates over the years, and it's worked out well. I have family, friends, business acquaintances and a very challenging work environment. My life is good.

And while on a distant planet, in the midst of the biggest trade deal of my life, heat unexpectedly enters my body when I thought it wasn’t possible? And instead of being angry at this odd turn of events, I envision a mate and family. And this does not send a shiver of fear down my spine.

The moment I started searching for a domicile to purchase on Earth, along with an intense need to nest, I knew I was truly in heat.

The strangest part is that I didn’t immediately rush back to Voltare to find a mate.

I'm not banished. I'm here for a trade agreement that will benefit both humans and Voltare. I could return home at any time. But it would take a few weeks to get there and I don’t want to go through the torture of those weeks. Maybe my mate is here on this planet? There's something about these humans…

And so I decide to stay and try to find my mate here.

I’ve studied the cities and wild areas of Earth, looking for an appropriate location to live planetside with a mate. My luxury spaceship is in orbit because Earth isn’t an official member of the Four Sectors and I’m here for business purposes only. But a Voltare male’s role in heat is to create the mating domicile for the female to accept or decline. It is my job to make arrangements for our living situation and I assume life on a spaceship in orbit of her own planet will not be appropriate for a human.

I require a location that isn't crowded with other humans. A large home in the countryside, isolated but near enough to civilization sounds like a good compromise. I will need space to park my hovercraft.

The oceans on Earth remind me of the natural habitat of my Volare tribe back home, therefore a domicile on the coastline sounds comfortable. But humans are wreaking havoc on their climate. Their ice caps are melting and oceans are rising at an alarming rate, which doesn’t seem to concern them enough to make necessary changes. But I foresee future climate disaster and I’m certain the Voltare government will have to eventually step in and offer toxin filtering and climate control tech to the humans. I’ll be able to persuade the Voltare government to offer this assistance, without compensation, to solidify humans as allies and maintain the highly profitable trade agreement between our two species. But I will also do this so I can continue to live here with my mate and offspring in comfort.

I purchased a large house on a hill somewhere called California. Most of the windows have huge views of the blue ocean. And there's trails that lead directly from the home and onto the beach. It’s on ten private acres with enough distance between the house and the water line as a buffer in case those oceans rise. And it’s in a location lacking hurricanes, wildfires or flooding. We're on ten private acres and there's lots of trees.

Hopefully a human female will enjoy the nest I created. If I find a possible mate amongst tonight’s lineup and purchase her, I will use my hovercraft parked outside to take her there so she can decide if it’s acceptable.

Tonight’s auction is held in the middle of the Mojave desert. I was told these private auctions are the only way humans find their mates. Seems pretty ridiculous, but you do what the locals do. I could have asked business acquaintances or even my human assistant for advice on this matter, but I felt my dealings with these beings were strictly professional. The other two Voltare males already on the planet, both of whom are happily mated to humans with part Voltare, part human offspring, told me this auction house was the way they’d both acquired a female according to human mating customs, so that's what I'm doing.

But it's taking much too long to find my match, and I'm concerned I'm going have to give up and return to my home planet. But for some reason, I feel like that won't help. I really feel she's here on Earth. I just have to find her.

And then the auction starts.

I sit in the back, ready to follow the predictable routine. I’m wearing uncomfortable human clothing, sipping on something called vodka, which is a drink I recently enjoy. The burn as it goes down helps to quell the worst of my heat.

None of these young women interest me. The other males are eager for their company and bid and find their mates. I am afraid I will again leave empty-handed. And then that last female finally steps out, the one with the same name as my assistant.

And I sit up.

She’s the most beautiful creature I’ve ever seen. Her long hair is the color of gold and her eyes flash green, the same color as the gem that symbolizes the strength of my tribe.

The music starts and she strides confidently across the floor, wearing very little clothing, as they all do during this ritual. Her long, lean length is stunning. I stand and step forward. She reaches the end of the runway and then her scent floats through the air and hits me square in the chest. It enters my lungs and lights up my whole body. In moments my cock thickens, and my chest rises and falls. My tusks elongate and I know.

She is mine. A growl of possession rumbles in my throat.

Then the bidding starts, and I don’t care one bit what the rules are, I shout out large amounts of human currency. This is no matter to me; I will have her no matter what I must pay. I was wealthy on Voltare, but due to the favorable exchange rate on Earth I am now fabulously rich.

A bidding war starts between me and another younger human male who has the ability to shift into an Earth predator. He is of no consequence. I easily outbid him and bare my teeth, displaying for him my need for this female as well as my ability to tear him to shreds if he thwarts me further.

I am about to have my winning bid confirmed when the whole place turns into pandemonium. A group of armed males arrive onstage and one of them holds a weapon to my female’s head and his arm is across her throat.

I throw back my head and let out a bellow of outrage.

One of them shoots a gun into the ceiling.