Screams and yells sound from the audience and from behind the curtain on stage.

“Quiet,” the male who’s holding my female shouts. “Derwen Tusk you will give us the money or we will torture and kill your mate, this female will be returned to you only after you—”

And then Coco St. James’ calm, distinct voice cuts in over the microphone at the podium onstage, where she remains standing. “There will be no kidnappings at my auction house tonight,” she announces. “This is a safe place for business. Plus, the bidding is incomplete.”

The men who have my female yell out my name and say something else I cannot make out as they begin to try and drag my female off the stage with them, I assume to their getaway vehicle. They are kidnapping her for ransom, trying to get me to pay to them the amount I would’ve given to the house.

My claws and tusks elongate in a flash. I leap over chairs and tables because they are not going to take her. I will kill them all in the blink of an eye, leaving their entrails for the carrion birds.

But before I can reach them, I hear a whistling sound, and then another and the man next to my female jerks and his hold loosens and he drops to the floor. Then the other man simply folds and falls to the ground too. The third man points his own weapon, but a sudden hole appears in his forehead too and he’s on the floor with the others.

I pound onto the stage only to find my female unharmed and standing alone with three dead bodies nearby.

Coco holds a menacing black weapon in her hand. “No one interferes with my business,” she states. “No one.”

“Holy crap. Remind me never to mess with her,” my female whispers.

I look down into her exotic green eyes and I want her more.

“Oh dear,” the human breathes, “you’re even more handsome in person that in your picture. I know that suit costs a fortune but I’ve never seen it in action. And I must say it’s worth every penny.”

I blink. “Do I know you?”

“I knew you were in danger,” she blurts out. “That’s why I’m here.”

Security staff drag away the dead bodies. I hold the female’s hand as Coco calmly returns to the microphone and her podium and glances down at her tablet. “Bidding will commence. Last bid was twenty million.” She looks at me for confirmation.

“Twenty million,” I agree.

“Twenty million going once…” The rest of the audience is silent because the place is now basically empty. “Going twice, sold. Twenty million to Derwen Tusk.”

I bury my nose in the female’s hair and wrap my arms around her. “You are mine.”

She sighs with delight and melts into my arms.

And that’s when I realize there’s something recognizable about this stunning human. I meet her gaze again. “Why do you seem familiar?”

“Uh oh. I need to tell you something. Let me explain.”

I cannot believemy assistant is my mate. The female I purchased is not just someone who happens to have the same name as my assistant. She is my assistant.

I've worked with Camila Harper for the last six months. I've never heard her voice until now. I've never seen a picture of her. None of this mattered. I hired her because she had amazing references, was highly qualified and very professional. Now that I look back, I'm pleased to know that it is her at my side because I know a lot about her already. This female is not a stranger. And I can look back and feel good about the way I've treated her. She's been a valued employee. There is hope if she has known me for six months from only our professional correspondence and decided she needed to be here to save me. Maybe this human has feelings for me beyond her immediate arousal, which I can easily scent.

And she's been trying to tell me some rambling story about how she thought she was here to rescue me? This is misguided, but still good news. Camila is a being of honor. I also aspire to the same values. I run my business dealings in an ethical manner.

“I’m here because I’m in heat and trying to find a mate.”

“I know, I—”

“Camila, don’t forget your purse,” another human shouts and runs forward to give a black bag to my female.

“Thanks Taylor.”

This other female from the auction house waves goodbye in return, turns and grabs the hand of a male shifter and they exit the tent together.

Camila rummages through the bag and pulls out a brown case, opens it and takes out black-rimmed glasses. She puts them on her face and sighs with happiness. “Now I can see clearly.”

Somehow, she looks even more adorable with those glasses. She’s also wearing my suit jacket now because I thought she looked chilled. This human I bought to mate, who is also my assistant, is unbelievably gorgeous. How is it possible that I had no idea the female I’ve been communicating with all this time, who has been organizing my business dealings with the humans is this sexy female?