“Thanks, Liam,” she says once we’re done. “That was very sweet of you.”

I smile, even though she can’t see. “Of course. You know I’d do anything for you. And for the rest of the Musketeers, too,” I quickly add so things won’t be weird.

“Yeah, thanks. So I need to email the essay to your mom before midnight. Add that to the pile of homework my other teachers assigned…” She sighs like she’s carrying the world on her shoulders. “Seriously, teachers don’t understand that we’re dealing with personal stuff that could be distracting...”

I’m pretty sure she’s talking about her note. I clear my throat and shift on my desk chair. “Hey, Chloe? Sorry about the way I behaved today. You know, with the note and everything. I was just…”

“I know,” she says softly. “You’re just looking out for me. And that’s why you’re so amazing. I just thought...” She sighs. “There might be a guy out there who likes me, you know?”

I don’t say anything, just swallow the lump in my throat.

“I mean, I’m sixteen and have never even been kissed,” she continues. “I’ve never been on a date or even had a guy look at me inthatway.”

I still don’t say anything. I can’t. The lump has transformed into a boulder.

“Liam? You still here?”

“Y-yeah. I’m here, sorry. If it’s any consolation, I’ve never done those things, either.”

She laughs. “Maybe, but you’ve had girls look at you.”


“At the dinner party Ava’s grandparents hosted last month. A flock of girls practically mowed you down until you told them you don’t have a trust fund.”

I cringe as I remember that evening. Not one of my finest moments, ducking away from those girls and stammering as I tried to form a coherent sentence. “That doesn’t count.”

“Yes it does. Ugh, sorry. I don’t want to feel sorry for myself.”

“No. Like I told you a million times, Chloe, you can tell me anything.” Even if she starts a monologue about a shower curtain, I’d be captivated.

“Thanks, but I’m okay. I should probably get started on my essay. I’ll see you tomorrow.”


As I finish my homework, I can hear Lily in the room next door chatting with Xavier from her window. I can’t make out what they’re saying since my window is shut, but from the tone of the conversation, it’s love words.

I smile to myself before heading to my window and popping it open. Leaning out so I can see Lily, I give her a face. “You know I can hear every. Single. Word.”

Lily crosses her arms over her chest. “It’s a private conversation. Go away.” Her tone is light, so I know she’s just kidding. Lily and I don’t really argue, we just like teasing each other.

“Nope. This is my room and I want to look out the window.” I turn to Xavier. “Hey, man, what’s up? Is your grandfather doing okay?”

Spencer is like a second grandfather to me and my siblings. It sucks that he’s been diagnosed with cancer and was told by doctors that he only has a few years to live. It’s taken a toll on Xavier, but he’s trying his hardest to cherish whatever time he has left with his grandpa and to make him as happy as he can.

Xavier nods with a smile. “He’s great. We’re going to watch his favorite fishing show later.”

“Now if you don’t mind…” Lily shoos me away. “Please?”

“Only because you asked so nicely.” I pull my head inside and shut the window, then go downstairs for a snack. Mom and Dad are still kissing while cooking.

I hide behind the door and watch them for a little bit. A few months ago, I didn’t think much about relationships. I guess I figured if it was meant to happen to me, it’ll happen. But I don’t feel like that anymore. Maybe because I see how happy Lily, Xavier, Ava, and Aidan are.

I want a girlfriend. I want a girl to look at me the way Mom looks at Dad. I want to hold a girl close, like she’s so precious to me, and whisper romantic things in her ear. To feel so close to her and share every part of myself with her.

Sighing, I shake my head and return to my room.

Chapter Three