
I hang up with Liam, a smile tugging my lips.

He was so sweet to help me with homework. He’s always looking out for us girls and has our best interests at heart. I feel bad for him sometimes because he feels left out, and I worry he might one day drift away from us and make new friends. Which, I guess, would be great for him…but not so much for me. Being around Liam makes me feel safe. Familiar. Comfortable. I can’t imagine him not being in my life.

But it’s selfish of me to want to keep him all to myself and to the Junior Musketeers. He hasn’t made any new friends, other than Xavier and Aidan, but he’s part of the basketball team and they’re a tight group. He is shy like his sister, though, so maybe Icankeep him all to myself. At least until we graduate high school. Ugh, I don’t want to think what’ll happen after that.

I concentrate on completing my homework so I won’t think about the uncertain future. Reaching for my psychology textbook, a crumpled piece of paper tumbles to the floor. Oh my gosh, the secret admirer’s note! I stashed it in my backpack because I didn’t want to think about it anymore, but seeing it there on the floor…butterflies flap around in my stomach.

I bend down and sweep it off the floor, my fingers eagerly unfolding it. My eyes devour the words like they’re a hungry lion and the note is their prey. Another smile tugs my lips at how raw and honest the author seems. He must have spent days agonizing whether or not to slip the note into my locker or throw it out and forget all about it.

I know I told Liam and my friends that I don’t want this to rule my life, but…howexcitingis it that there’s a guy out there who likes me? I mean, assuming it’s not a mean girl messing with me. I can’t just let this go, can I? It’s not every day Chloe Barrington gets a love letter.

Pushing my homework aside, I grab my phone and open the social media app, Spill it!. Ava’s grandfather created it years ago, and it’s still as popular now as it was back then. I look over the posts I put up within the last month. I’m not a heavy social media user, I just post a few photos of me and my friends, and my family. I also post links to my articles that are featured in the online version of the Edenbury High Times. They barely get views or likes, other than my friends and family. But is it possible someone has been liking them? He did say in his note that he loves reading my articles. Maybe that could lead me to his identity.

Nope. No likes from people I don’t know, no comments, and no tags or mentions.

I try not to sigh in disappointment. Does he want me to figure out who he is or does he want to torture me like this?

Frowning, I push my phone aside, out of sight. Liam’s right—this is messing with my life and my mental health.

After I’m done with homework, I make my way downstairs to start dinner. I’m more of a baker and Liam is the cook, but I still love it and enjoy cooking dinner for my family a few times a week. I especially love trying Liam’s new recipes (even though he sucks at giving instructions). Mom and Dad are currently at Edenbury Elementary School because my ten-year-old sister, Rylee, has gotten into trouble. Again. I swear that girl is going to send my parents to an early grave. I wonder what mischief she’s gotten herself into this time.

My brother Noah, who is a senior, dropped me off at home after school and has been hanging out with his friends ever since. He’ll return for dinner. So I’m home all alone. Which I prefer when I cook because the last thing I need is Rylee skipping into the kitchen and touching everything and asking over and over, “What’s cookin’?”

Liam spent the entire last week working on a fettuccine alfredo recipe. He hasn’t yet had a chance to cook it for his family, so the Barringtons will be the guinea pigs. I know the food will be delicious, though—that is, if I can make sense of his notes. Seriously, how is he going to be a famous chef one day if he can’t even write a straightforward recipe?

With a groan, I grab my phone and text him.

Chloe: You’ll never have a career in the restaurant biz if you can’t write a darn recipe.

Liam: ???

Chloe: Write better recipes!

Liam: What? They seem fine to me.

Liam: What the heck is a p of s?

Liam: A pinch of salt

Chloe: …

Liam: You should have known that one.

Chloe: So cl of parm is a cup of parmesan? What’s the l? Half a cup?

Liam: No. The recipe is doubled because my family are animals. cl is crapload.

Chloe: …

Liam: Fet alf is nothing without the parm

Chloe: Seriously.

He sends me an emoji with a huge smiley face. Even though I’m rolling my eyes, I’m smiling. Because as annoying as Liam can be, I still love him. And when I mean love, I mean…you know, as a friend. Because that’s what we are—friends.

Liam: Let me know if you have any questions. Gonna work out soon, but I’ll have my phone close by.