Your Secret Admirer

“That has got to be the worst poem I’ve ever heard in my life,” Liam says.

“No it’s not!” his twin sister refutes. “It’s so romantic.”

“Lily, you’ve got better taste than that. You have to admit it’s pretty bad.”

“Like you can do any better?”

“I’m sure I can—”

“It might not be the best,” I say as I hug the poem to my chest. “But he wrote it for me. So that makes it perfect.”

“Ooh.” Ava pokes my shoulder. “I think Chloe has just fallen in love.”

Willow also pokes me in the shoulder with a teasing smile.

My cheeks catch fire. “Stop it.”

“This is the most romantic thing ever!” Lily gushes. “Chloe’s secret admirer has upgraded to writing her love poems. Oh my gosh, aren’t you melting?”

“Totally melting,” I say with a giggle.

Liam is about to say something, but Lily shoots him a look. “Zip it, womb buddy.”

“But he’s manipulating her again—”

“If the guy puts this much effort, I say he’s the real deal,” Aidan says.

“Yeah, I can’t write a poem to save my life,” Xavier says with a jealous frown. “Wish I could. I’d love to wow my amazing girlfriend.”

“You’re perfect just the way you are,” Lily promises. “Don’t change anything about yourself.”

He beams. “Same for you.”

Lily puts her arm around Liam. “I don’t mean to snap at you, twin bro. I just wish you would see him in a better light.”

Liam shakes his head as his gaze flicks to me. “I know I sound like a broken record, and I want to be supportive, but I’m just looking out for Chloe. Until I know he’s legit and only has good intentions, I’ll feel better.”

That causes warmth to enter my bloodstream. “Thanks, Liam. That’s so sweet.”

He inclines his head. “I just want you to be safe and happy.”

I unfold the letter and soak in the poem. The more I read it, the more I love it. I know it was written straight from his heart—his soul. He put all of himself into it. Iknowhis heart is as big as Mount Everest.

“I need to know who he is,” I mutter.

“Well, Ava and I have been watching your locker like a hawk every chance we get,” Lily tells me. “We haven’t seen anyone lurking around or dropping anything into your locker.”

“So that means he must do it early in the morning,” Xavier says.

“Or late at night,” Aidan says.

“What, he sneaks into the school?” Lily asks.

“Maybe it’s the security guard?” Ava asks.

“Ew. He’s like fifty.” Lily frowns.