“I meant his kid.”

“His kid goes here?”

“I don’t know.”

“Um…I did think of something,” Willow says.

We all look at her.

“Been thinking about it for a while, actually. But it makes me question my ethics and my morals.”

We stare at her in confusion.

“Huh?” I ask.

“The guy obviously drops the notes into your locker at odd hours. There’s no way we can catch him in the act. Unless we had a camera.” She lifts her head to the corner ceiling across the hallway. “There’s a camerarightthere. I can hack into the security system and find the footage of when the guy visited your locker.”

We just stand there gaping at her.

“But like I said,” she continues, “it makes me question my morals and ethics. I mean, I’ve hacked into the school before, but this seems a bit…I don’t know, extreme. Messing with the security system? I know I can cover my tracks, but…”

Lily’s jaw falls open. “Willow, you’re so cool.”

That makes her laugh lightly. “Thanks.”

Xavier gapes at Willow as he rubs the back of his neck. “Dang, Willow. You could work for the CIA.”

“Puhlease. And of course, there is the simpler option, which doesn’t sound as cool.”

We lean forward.

“I can attach a small camera to Chloe’s locker. Practically invisible to the naked eye. It’ll record anyone who comes close to her locker. The problem with that is that those batteries don’t usually run for more than twenty-four hours, maybe less. Considering we have no idea when the secret admirer might strike again, I’d have to exchange the camera every day. And even that isn’t very reliable. The battery could die at any moment and we might lose our shot at catching him in the act. Which makes me conclude that hacking into the security system is the better option.”

My heart pounds so strongly that it’s making me feel lightheaded. “I might finally see his face? See who he is?” Oh, gosh. I think I really might faint.

“All your questions will finally be answered,” Ava says. “You know, if you ignore the whole ethical and moral thing.”

Willow shrugs. “I can let it fly if it’s something Chloe really wants.”

“Oh, she wants it,” Lily says with a giggle.

“Totally!” Ava agrees.

I turn away from them and stare down at the poem. “No,” I whisper. “I don’t want it.”

“What?” Lily asks.

I slowly turn around. “That would be an invasion of his privacy. He’s not ready to reveal himself to me yet. It would be so rude and disrespectful to breach his privacy like that. As much as it’s killing me to know who he is, I need to be patient. I need to wait untilhe’sready.”

They’re quiet as they mull over my words.

“You’re right,” Lily says. “I guess we’re so focused on how Chloe feels that we didn’t consider his feelings. It would crush him if Chloe found out who he is before he’s ready.”

“And that can ruin their happily ever after,” Ava gasps. “We can’t let that happen.”

“So…I just have to wait,” I say.

Willow nods. “I think that’s the right choice.”