Chloe’s back to her old self, concentrating in class and doing the work. And when lunchtime rolls around, the discussion around the table is about a movie Willow’s dad, Asher Park, will be working on this summer.

Tye, Aidan’s friend who sometimes sits with us, widens his eyes. “A new movie? Cool. Your dad’s a legend, man.”

“Thanks,” Willow says. “He passed on the other offer because it would take up too much time and he wants to spend the summer with my family, but this new movie should wrap up in only a few weeks. And Mia will have a small role, too.” She’s smiling with pride about her ten-year-old sister, who caught the acting bug. Willow takes after her mom, Charlie, who works for NASA.

“That’s awesome,” Ava says as she lays her head on Aidan’s chest. His arms are wrapped around her like he never wants to let her go. PDA isn’t allowed at Edenbury High, but as the daughter of the billionaires who are pretty much keeping this place running, she can get away with anything.

Willow nods. “She’s so excited. But my mom’s not sure she’ll let her do it.”

“Why?” Chloe asks. “She and your dad could spend time doing what they love together.”

“Yeah, but after that stunt they pulled yesterday, my mom doesn’t think it’s fair to reward her. She and Dad were arguing about it. And my dad started cursing in Korean. He only does that when he’s upset.”

“They were arguing?” I ask. Charlie and Asher only argue playfully.

She shrugs. “Not really arguing. A heated debate, I guess?” She rolls her eyes. “Don’t worry, I saw them making out after.”

Lily bends close. “So what’s the conclusion? Will your parents let Mia do the movie?”

Willow holds up her hands like she has no clue. “They didn’t conclude anything. I think they got distracted making out.”

Lily presses her hand to her chest. “I hope we’ll be like them when we’re old with kids.”

Xavier grins at her, taking her hand and popping a quick kiss on the back of her palm. “I hope so, too, Cupid Lily.” He pecks her lips.

“Mr. Hall,” Vice Principal Rivera reprimands as she passes by. She stops before him and Lily with a frown. “Do I need to remind you of the rules we have at this school?”

Xavier shakes his head so fast he gets blurry. “No, ma’am. Sorry.”

She nods curtly before turning away and marching off. As soon as she’s out of sight, Lily quickly brushes her lips across his.

“I swear she’s got a PDA radar or something,” Lily grumbles. “It’s like she’s purposely looking to bust couples.”

We watch as she goes over to another couple and writes them up a detention slip. As soon as Lily sees that, she tears her hand from Xavier’s. He pouts.

“We hardly see each other because of basketball,” he says. “I mean, I love basketball, but…”

She leans in close. “You love me more?”

“Hands down.”

She giggles and nuzzles her nose against his.

“Rivera!” I hiss when I catch the VP’s hawk-like eyes fitting in our direction. My sister and Xavier propel away from each other like magnets.

We talk about other things as we eat. Like yesterday, Chloe and I try to figure out an unidentifiable ingredient in this dish, but we can’t pinpoint what it is. It’s a little disappointing that I don’t have a more sophisticated pallet. If I want to be a chef one day…

“Xavier, Liam!” a voice calls from the popular table, where our teammates and the cheerleaders sit. “Get your butts here.”

Xavier divides his lunchtime between that table and the Junior Musketeers’. He hates that he has to choose, but he can’t ditch the guys. Lily understands and doesn’t complain when he goes to sit over there.

Before he leaves, though, he clutches her hand, staring into her eyes like he’s giving her a secret message.

Even though I don’t like sitting there, I join him. The guys are cool, it’s just that I don’t fit in. I never have. So it’s very awkward for me to sit there.

Darren stands to clap Xavier on the back, and then me, causing some air to get knocked out of my lungs. I’m still breathing deeply as I sit down near Xavier. Unlike me, he’s comfortable here and gets along great with the guys. I’ve never had guy friends, except for Xavier and now Aidan. And by extension, Tye too, but we’re not close and he has other friends.

Brian points his fork at me. “We were just talking about you, Hastings,” he says with a large grin. “How youstilldon’t have a girlfriend. Not throwing shade or anything, man. Just saying.” He gestures around. “Got a nice bunch of ladies to choose from.”