“Thanks, I’m okay,” I mutter, wanting to leave from here. They mean well and I appreciate them trying to help. But they wouldn’t know the kind of girl I dream about.

Darren shakes his head. “What about Paisley?” He nods toward the cheerleader at the other end of the table. She’s talking to head cheerleader Andrea and the other girls on the squad, loving the attention.


Brian’s eyebrows furrow. “Come on, dude. She might not be the nicest, but she’s pretty. And her mom’s the cheerleading coach and she’s pretty hot, too.”

“Dude, ew.”

He holds up his hands. “Just saying you can have a hot girl hanging off your arm.”

I don’t like the way they’re talking about her, even if sheisPaisley Abberton.

“Guys, come on,” Xavier says. “Don’t be jerks. You know there’s more to a girl than her looks.”

The guys shrug like they know this but don’t care because we’re in high school and just want to have fun. Xavier and I stick out like sore thumbs, but that’s why we’re good friends and he’s the perfect guy for my sister.

“Give Paisley a shot,” Brian urges. “You never know. You guys might hit it off.” He’s about to get to his feet and call for Paisley, but I grab his arm.

“Never in a million years would I date Paisley Abberton. Look, guys, I appreciate the help, but I’m good.”

Topher, a guy from the team I’m not friendly with, shakes his head. “Dude, you’re on the basketball team. People talk. They think it’s weird that you don’t have a girlfriend and that you always sit at the nerdy table.”

Xavier’s shoulders stiffen. “There’s nothing wrong with the people who sit at that table.”

Another guy, Gibson, shrugs. “Whatever, man.”

“I don’t really care what others say about me,” I tell them. Then I look from one guy to the other. “Wait…are you embarrassed to be associated with me?”

“No, you’re our bro and one of us,” Darren says.

“But you could be popular—” Gibson starts, but I cut him off.

“Thanks, but I’m good.”

The table is quiet, except for the cheerleaders. They’re laughing at something Paisley just said, and she’s glowing from all the attention.

“Sorry, Liam,” Brian says, noticing my unease. “We were just trying to help.”

“I know, but let’s focus more on the game and less on girls. We need to make it to state or I’m pretty sure Coach will roast us over a spit.”

The guys chuckle. “You’re funny, man,” Darren says as he slugs my arm. “We’ll find you a girl.”

The bell rings before I have a chance to decline, and the table clears out. Only Xavier remains. He places a hand on my arm. “You good?”

I force a smile. “I know I’m not like the others on the team. I don’t fit in and I never will. And trying to set me up with a girl…”

He nods in understanding. “They mean well, but they’re overstepping. Want me to talk to them?”

“Thanks, but I’ve got it.” It’s embarrassing that the team is trying to set me up, and having our captain get involved will only make it worse.

Am I really that pathetic that the team wants to set me up with Paisley Abberton? The girl who goes after every hot guy she sees?

She had her eyes on Xavier for a while, then Aidan as soon as he transferred to Edenbury High. If she wasn’t so mean to Lily and our friends, I’d feel sorry for her.

“Coming to algebra?” Chloe asks as she and the others stand before me.

I force a smile. “Sure.”