Page 89 of Power

“Actually, why don’t I give it to you now—”

“Miss Evans,” Theo barks, but I ignore him. He can’t have his cake and eat it too. I bend down, leaning into the guy to write my number on his report.

“Fay. Great name.”

“Thanks. I kinda like the way you say it too.”

“Miss Evans!” Theo raises his voice, causing attention to himself.

I straighten and move on, handing out the rest of the reports. When I get to Theo, I drop his in front of him and make my way to an open chair. Theo stares me down. I can feel the fury even though I’m not looking at him. It takes everything in me not to give him a fuck off smirk. Thank god he starts the meeting. My phone buzzes with a text message.

Unknown: Hey. My name’s Ben BTW andwow, someone needs to relax. He always talk to you like that?

I look up and see the cute guy down the table smiling at me. I smile back and type a reply.

Me: Only when he hasn’t taken his meds. I won’t be here much longer so it’s okay. #grumpyoldman

Unknown: You should quit and come work at my office. We’re younger, more lively. And maybe I’d get to see you again. *wink emoji*

Me: I’d love that. How about—

“Miss Evans.” I stop mid-text, meeting Theo’s glare across the long table.

“Yes, Mr. Monroe?” I smile, shifting my eyes to Ben, and wink.

His palms slam against the table. “In my office. NOW!” Theo is up from his chair, startling everyone.

This time, I don’t fight it. I have some words for him too. We both storm out of the conference room and enter his office.

“What the fuck was that about?” he asks, slamming the door behind him.

I whip around so fast that I almost lose my balance. “Not to sound like a broken record, but none of your business.”

“It is my business when you’re blatantly flirting with someone in front of me.”

“Then stop paying attention.”

“Give me your phone.”


“Give me your fucking phone!”


He’s too quick, snatching it from my hand.

“Give me that back. Theo!”

He shoves my phone in my face, unlocking it. “Hey! You can’t do that!” I assume he’s scrolling through my text messages. “This is an invasion of privacy.”

“Grumpy old man? Didn’t seem to have a problem with my age before.”

“Well, I do now.” He starts pressing buttons. “Wait, don’t. What are you doing?” He’s most likely deleting Ben’s contact. “You can’t do that.”

“Fucking watch me.”

Once the number is erased, he tosses my phone onto the table.