Page 90 of Power

“You’re an asshole.”

“Tell me something I don’t know.”

“I fucking hate you—” He grabs the back of my neck and pulls me to him, slamming his lips over mine. This kiss is brutal. Angry. I struggle against him, and he bites my bottom lip. It causes my mouth to open, and his tongue lashes against mine. God, I want this. Miss this. But what I truly want is just a mirage. I work my hands up to his chest and shove him away. “You don’t get to do that anymore.”

His chest is heaving, and his brows furrow with anger. “You’re mine. Not his. Notanyone’s. Mine!”

I hate the wetness I feel on my cheeks. “I will never be yours again. You disgust me.” He stares at me for a beat, then turns and walks over to the window. “Is there anything else you need, Mr. Monroe?”

“Get the hell out of my office.”

“With pleasure.”

Chapter twenty-five



I didn’t see him again the rest of that day. The hours dragged by, every little sound making me jump in my chair. I wondered if he would call me into his office and finally fight for us. I didn’t mean what I said. But I wasn’t going to allow him to walk all over me. He didn’t choose me, so he doesn’t get to have me. What hurts the most is that he never planned on keeping me. I was just a toy to pass the time with until he got married.

Two days have gone by.

Just like yesterday, his entire calendar is blocked out with private meetings. The happy couple is probably at cake tastings and picking out fancy silverware. I feel mentally and physically worn down, and I’m constantly fighting back tears. I can’t stop thinking about what the private meetings on his calendar meant. There were so many. Was he with me and then running off with her?

I’m on autopilot, knocking off the tedious lists he emails me. Some of the items are there just out of spite. He’s trying to make a point. Until I’m done, he does own me. I raise my head to see Julie walk past, tugging a handful of balloons toward the elevators. Today is Theo’s birthday, and the last thing I want to do is celebrate him. I hate that my brain takes me back to the night I wrapped myself up as his present.

“You’re going to get icing on the bed.”

“I don’t care. God, you’re a vision.”

“Because I’m covered in icing?” I giggle.

“Because you are absolutely flawless. And I am one lucky man.”

“You okay?” I break from my thoughts and look up to Kyle.

“Hey. Yeah, just tired. I can’t wait for this day to be over. Seriously considering playing hooky tomorrow.”

“You and me both. Everyone’s heading up to the terrace for the birthday celebration. You’re coming, right?"

“No, I’m actually—”

“Please? Don’t make me do this alone.”

The last thing I want is to go up there, but his pleading eyes win me over. “Fine. I guess I can stick around for one glass of champagne and gross cake.”

“You’re the best.” Kyle waits as I shut my computer down. We walk together and take the elevators to the terrace. “Jesus, how does Julie get approval for this shit?” We both stare at the gaudy decorations.

Because he was too busy railing me in his private bathroom to double-check what he was approving. “Who knows. Oh, look, bubbly.” We head to the bar, and I grab a pre-poured glass. Kyle taps his fingers on the bar, finally deciding on his own drink. I look around the area. Theresa gives me a nasty look, and, because I have nothing left to lose, I smile and flick her off.

“Did. . . you just give HR the bird?”

“Sure did.”

Kyle laughs and taps his glass against mine. “Savage. I like it.”

I drink my champagne faster than I should, discard the empty glass, and grab a fresh one. I should leave before he gets here. I don’t want to see him. I don’t know if my heart can take it.