“It’s a fair price for putting up with me.” He’s right there. “And no one else knows how to make coffee like you.” Okay, that’s also true. Even though it’s just me popping in a K-cup and hitting a button. “If you’d shut my door so I can have my way with you, I would quadruple your salary. It’s been a long morning.”
“Fine, what?”
“I’ll accept the salary.”
“Anything else?”
I shrug. “No.”
“Good. Shut the door. I need that sweet cunt in my mouth.”
“Hey, Fay.”
I pull my eyes away from the land survey I’m reviewing. “Hey, Amy. What’s up?”
“These were couriered over for Mr. Monroe. Thought I would drop them off.” I take the package.
“Any chance you’re free to come to happy hour? A few of us are heading to Sylvie’s Tap.”
It’s on the tip of my tongue to say yes, but I remember I have plans. “Shoot, no. I can’t. Mr. Monroe is making me work late tonight.”
“Yeah, figured. The evil boss strikes again.”
“Ugh, I know, right?” Strikes deep inside me. “Next time?”
“You bet. Well, for what it’s worth, I’m happy everything’s working out. Having him off my back has made my job so much easier. Plus, I like you. Too bad it never works out to hang, though.”
“I know. I’m sorry. Maybe this weekend? I have to work my other job, but we can do a girls’ day. Shopping and liquid lunches?”
“You bet. Good luck with that.” She nods to the reports on my desk and walks off. I grab the package, knock on Theo’s door, and walk in. He looks hot leaning back in his chair, throwing out numbers and business jargon. His eyes lock on mine, and I swear the earth shifts slightly. Pointing to the package, I mouth, “I’ll leave this on your table.”
He sits forward and grabs his cell phone. A few seconds later, mine vibrates in my pocket.
Theo Monroe:Put the package on my desk, shut my door, and lock it.
My eyes lift to his. His expression doesn’t budge.
Theo Monroe: Now, Fay.
I shake my head, put the package on his worktable, and go lock his door.
Me: Is there something I can do you for, Mr. Monroe?
“I don’t give a fuck. Tell them the acres don’t match the cost.”
Theo Monroe: Lift up your skirt and show me your pretty panties.
Holding back my smile, and slowly shimmy up my skirt.
Me: Anything else?