“Me? How nice of you, but I’m not much of a runner, so it looks like the joke’s on you.” She stares back, confused and obviously missing the joke. “So, how can I help you?”
She crosses her arms over her chest and taps her heel. “The paperwork I asked you to sign?”
Oh shit, yeah. The paperwork that’s still sitting in my drawer, unsigned. “Oh yeah. Sorry it took me some time to read through it all. No realmajortypos.”
“There were no typos.”
“Hmmm. Either way, I’ll just sign off on them.” I pull the papers out of my drawer and flip to the back page where my signature is needed.
“What is it about you, anyway?”
“Excuse me?” I ask, handing her the forms.
“He’s yelling at you more than he’s not. And yet, he rewards you by tripling your salary. I want to know what it is you’re doing. All of this sudden attention really only leads me to one conclusion.”
I’m taken aback by her blatant accusation. It’s one thing to whisper behind my back. But to insinuate this to my face? I inhale slowly, trying to keep my composure.
“Welp, I don’t know what to tell you, Theresa. Maybe you should consider learning how to read since he only doubled—”
Her cynical laugh cuts me off. “So much for your proof checking. Now I definitely want to know what makes you worth such a salary increase.”
“What are you talking about?”
“Please. Don’t act so naive.”
“Give me that.” I snatch the papers out of her hands and scan them until I find—
“Ladies. Miss Evans.” Theo walks past us and disappears into his office.
“I’m sure I don’t need to remind you that fraternizing in the workplace is against company policy. But you should already know that.” She snatches the forms out of my hand and walks off.
I storm into Theo’s office. “Did you triple my salary?”
“Hello to you too. God, you look sexier than you did this morning—”
“Answer my question.”
“I did. Now, shut the door.”
“Why not?”
“No wonder everyone thinks we’re sleeping together!”
“We are sleeping together—”
“Theo! People are talking. Now they have proof.”
“How so?”
“You tripled my salary!”
“Well deserved.”
I’m going to smack him. “Theo, I deserve to get paid a salary that doesn’t scream I’m sleeping with the boss.”
“But you are sleeping—”